7/5: Welcome to Week 1: Orientation

Hello Online Brain Fitness Students,

Welcome to Week 1 of our Summer Online Brain Fitness Class!

Continuing Students, Welcome back and thank you all for being such an important part of our Brain Fitness Program. Your licenses have been turned back on and you may to continue to work on your exercises. Please remember to use the same BHQ Password you have always used (the semester you started in the class). We look forward to seeing you again at our Zoom Orientation this Wednesday evening (details below).

New Students, Welcome to your first semester of the Brain Fitness class. We are happy to have you join us for this short summer session and look forward to getting to know you all better in the full Basics class this fall. Be sure to read all of this week’s Lesson Homepage (linked below) to learn how to access your BrainHQ brain-training account, and please attend this week’s Wednesday evening Zoom Orientation to learn more or ask questions.

This Week’s Lesson Links

This summer we will cover some pretty unique lessons on understanding the brain, how we think, why we do what we do, and what we can do to have a better, more efficient brain. Our first lesson is a wonderful overview of why we offer this class on brain fitness and what we can do to keep our brains strong and healthy. You will find the links to our lesson and related class information by clinking here to go to the Weekly Lesson Homepage. If you would like to download and read the handout, you can view/download it here. After you have completed the lesson, please take the weekly quiz to see how much you’ve learned.

Link Summary (all underlined words are live links)

Class Website (home page): www.bhqonline.org

BrainHQ Exercises: www.brainhq.com

Lesson Home Page: Welcome to Brain Fitness Summer 2020

Printable Handout: Why Brain Fitness Handout

Weekly Quiz: Why Brain Fitness Quiz

Zoom Session

Finally, please join us on Zoom this Wednesday evening, July 8th! Here’s the schedule of events:

6:30 – 7:00 – Q&A, explore the websites, class overview, meet your classmates.

7:00 - 8:00 - Summer Session Orientation for all students, followed by a presentation of this week's lesson - Why Brain Fitness?

Getting on Zoom:

If you have been on Zoom before, you can go directly to the Zoom site by clicking here , Or...

Here is how you join the Wednesday evening Zoom session via the Zoom web address:

Just prior to the session, click here: https://cccconfernow.zoom.us/j/9191959460

Or, if you don’t’ have access to a computer, you can join by phone:

+1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)

You may be asked the Meeting ID: 919 195 9460

Note: If it’s your first time participating in a Zoom session, you can try getting on the site early to see how easy it is to get it set up. We begin our BHQ Zoom at 6:45, so try getting on at about 6:30 and call if you have any trouble. You can participate by video and audio, or just listen in by phone. Please let us know if you need help! Call Pat’s cell at 619-818-3953. If you’ve been on Zoom before, you will appreciate this new Zoom Video that Mary created to help you learn about some of the features available to you while on the site. See you on Wednesday.

Accessing Zoom: You can check the homepage of our course website where you will find detailed instructions. But, in a nutshell:

Just prior to the session, click here: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/9191959460

Or, if you don’t have access to a computer, join by phone:

+1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)

Need more help with Zoom? See website homepage for expanded instructions: www.bhqonline.org or contact us (see below).

Enjoy your brain-healthy week!

Mary, Debbie, Yael, and Pat

Need help? Contact us at:

Mary Burns (mburns@sdccd.edu) - Online classes

Debbie Flores (dsflores@sdccd.edu) - Online classes & Zoom Sessions for Practicum Students: Wednesdays 9:30 am - 11:00 am and 12:30 pm- 2:00 pm.

Yael Lorberfeld (ylorberfeld@sdccd.edu) - Online classes & Zoom Sessions for Practicum Students: Mondays 9:30 am- 12:30 pm and Fridays 10:30 am - 12:00 pm.

Janet Blair ( blusdbits@gmail.com ) - St Pauls Plaza. Contact for Support and Lesson Review

Pat Mosteller (pmostell@sdccd.edu) - Online classes and New Student help - Cell 619-818-3953