Why brain fitness?

Why Study Brain Fitness?

Our brain is the most important organ of our body. Until recently, it was thought that the brain you were born with was fixed, and that as we aged, we lost brain volume. Meaning we were all faced with possible degradation and decreased cognition.

The concept of brain plasticity has changed all that. With vigorous research, it has been discovered that our brain volume is not fixed, but can be maintained and even improved. This idea that we have control over our future cognition is extremely important, especially as we are living longer.

The brain has distinct areas which contribute to certain functions. This is predetermined by genes. For example, there is an area of the brain that is devoted to moving the right arm. If you damage that part of the brain, the movement is impaired. (Think about how a stroke affects movement.) It is interesting that although that area which controlled the movement is damaged, there is a different part of the brain that feels the sensation of the arm. So, you can feel it, you just can’t move it.

But, through brain plasticity (also known as neuroplasticity), we have learned that the brain can form new neural connections. Research has seen this in stroke victims, patients with brain damage and in those which have lost a particular sense (sight) who develop an enhanced sense (hearing). These adaptions are a result of rewiring the connections.

There are two types of brain plasticity: functional (the ability to move functions from a damaged to an undamaged area of the brain) and structural (the ability to change the physical structure as a result of learning).


Mirror therapy is used to help rewire the brain in the case of a damaged brain. It is an example of how the brain can be rewired. This short video shows the process.

This does not mean that our aging brains can be regenerated to where they were during out youth. While the developing brain makes and loses synapses regularly, the mature brain has only a few places where new neurons are formed. One would be the hippocampus, the center of memory formation. This is why something abstract (brain training) can result in something very concrete (better recall, clearer decision making).

Tools of the Brain Fitness class

This class provides two tools to assist you in your brain fitness:

· Education: We will be learning about the brain, and about processes in the brain. Our topics will look at ways that our brain is wired, and how we can change this wiring. And since everything that goes on inside our brain is a result of this wiring, it is a pretty powerful tool! During the education, we will also learn what constitutes a strong brain, and what you can do to improve your brain processing. (Spoiler alert: There is a lot you can do to improve your brain processing!)

· Brain training: Just as you go to the gym to increase your body strength, your brain just might benefit from a gym workout as well. In this case, the gym is a company known as PositScience and the workout is BrainHQ. This program hosts 29 different exercises which will stimulate your thinking and can increase that wiring in your brain to make it a more efficient and productive brain. Areas of training include attention, brain speed, memory, people skills, intelligence and navigation. By choosing from a variety of these areas, you can expect to get the most from your brain training.

Scenes from the BrainHQ program

Get started with a brain healthy lifestyle

We will be learning what types of lifestyle changes would contribute to a healthier brain, but to get started here are some research-based ideas:

· Exercise: Research over many years has shown that exercise can protect your brain and increase the volume of the hippocampus. During exercise, blood vessels are increased, and new cells are created. With the increased blood to the brain and cells within the brain, the brain becomes more efficient.

· Learn something new: Learning something new and introducing challenges were found to improve memory and cognition in other areas.

· Socialize: Although challenging in these COVID-19 days, socializing tends to engage many areas of the brain. Combined with a physical effort (team sports, walking with a group), it can be even more beneficial.

· Meditate or mindfulness: Research has found many connections between mindfulness and meditation and improvements in attention, focus, empathy and immunity. It may also improve the capacity of working memory. When you consider the many harmful effects of stress on the brain, anything that reduces that will be beneficial.

· Mental stimulation: Although Bingo might be fun (and social), it won’t do much for brain health. However, math word problems or complex puzzles might help to stimulate new connections. Combining mental stimulation with manual dexterity (such as drawing and other crafts) might result in greater benefit.

· Diet: Diet can have a large impact on your mind as well as your body. The Mediterranean style diet (fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, unsaturated oils and plant proteins) has been correlated with a healthier brain which is less apt to develop cognitive impairment and dementia.

· Treat your conditions: Improve your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol, because what is good for the heart is good for the brain.

· Avoid tobacco and limit alcohol use.

We are excited about having you in our Brain Fitness class and look forward to working with you and hearing about your insights along the way.