4/06 Introduction to the Brain

Welcome to Week 9 of Our Online Brain Fitness Class

BHQ site: (www.brainhq.com)

Introduction to the Brain Lesson

In this week’s lesson, we will learn some of the basics about our brains, including how the brain transmits information. You’ll learn which parts of the brain help us coordinate our movements and control basic survival functions like breathing, and which control the body’s conscious experiences and voluntary movements. You will also see some real images of the brain, using the latest technology. You can view and read the interactive version of our lesson here: Introduction to the Brain, or download and print the handout here: Introduction to the Brain Handout . There is an excellent PPt presentation that you can look at which summarizes the information in our handouts. You can see the presentation here. And be sure to take the quiz.

The BrainHQ Connection

Here’s another version of some “Brain Basics” from the BrainHQ website, you can find it on the BHQ website or just click here: The Brain 101. Open the additional live links that are in the article, as well.

“Every day, scientists learn more about how the brain works. In the past 20 years, their knowledge has grown exponentially, even proving some of their own earlier beliefs false. In the brain resource articles linked below, you can learn more about how the brain and your senses work and the truth behind some common brain myths.”

Read: Cool Brain Facts and Myths (and lots of fun videos to view, too)

Here’s another article that was send by Posit Science a while ago and is directly related to our topic this week. It’s called: Cerebellum Does More Than We Thought - The brain’s cerebellum—or “little brain”—has been thought to help the body regulate things like breathing and motor skills. New research shows that it may actually also participate in anticipation and reaction to rewards.

Zoom Session

This week's Zoom Session will be on Wednesday, April 8th. This week, our lessons are quite different, so you may like to join us for both sessions, but feel free to drop in to whatever sessions work best for you. Here’s our schedule of events:

6:30-7:00: For ALL! Q&A time about any of the BHQ exercises or navigating the BHQ or class websites.

7:00-7:30: We will focus on the Weekly Basics Lesson about the Introduction to the Brain

7:30–8:00: We will focus on the Weekly Topics Lesson – Healing Spaces and Places

Just click here to follow the instructions on the Home Page by scrolling down to Weekly Zoom Sessions. Or you can go directly to the Zoom site by clicking here.

First time on Zoom? Just follow the instructions on this Home Page to learn how. Returning students click here to connect directly.

If it’s your first time participating in a Zoom session, you can try it by getting on the site early to see how easy it is to get it set up. We begin our first BHQ Lesson at 6:30, so try getting on at about 6:15-6:30 and call Pat (at the number below) if you have any trouble. You can participate by video and audio, or just listen in by phone. Please let us know if you need help!

Enjoy the lessons, and have a brain-healthy week.

Contact Us

Need help? Contact us at:

Pat Mosteller (pmostell@sdccd.edu) Cell 619-818-3953 - Online class

Mary Burns (mburns@sdccd.edu) - Online class

Debbie Flores (dsflores@sdccd.edu) - Online class & Monday & Wednesday mornings at the Kroc Center

Janet Blair ( blusdbits@gmail.com ) - St Pauls Plaza. Contact for Support and Lesson Review

Yael Lorberfeld (ylorberfeld@sdccd.edu) . Wednesday at the College Ave Senior Center (Temple Emanu-El)

Marilyn Kessler (marilynk@ifssd.org) - Mondays at the College Ave Senior Center (Temple Emanu-El)