Student Spotlight

Sheila Henderson

Watch this video to learn more about class member Sheila Henderson, how she got into Brain Fitness, and why she's staying forever!

Anna Martinez

Listen in on this very interesting interview with fellow Brain Fitness student Anna Martinez. Learn about her origins and what brought her to this class!

Jennie Aguilar

Jennie Aguilar is a long-time Brain Fitness student. Watch this interview about why she is in the class and how she feels it benefits her.

Kathi Fisher

Watch this brief, but fun interview with Kathi Fisher (one of 3 sisters in our class). Get to know her a little bit more.

Karen Fisher

Listen in on the interview with Karen Fisher and learn about her career, family, and what led her to Brain Fitness.

Edward Clark

Watch this interview with Edward Clark, long-time member of our Brain Fitness class, and learn more about him and why he keeps coming back!

Bonnie Asserson

Watch and get to know fellow classmate Bonnie Asserson and how she feels about the Brain Fitness exercises!

Connie Butt

Connie Butt, a long-time class member, is an amazing person and dedicated brain fitness student. Watch this brief video to get to know Connie, enjoy her sense of humor, and find out why she enjoys participating in the brain fitness class.

Janina Jachimowicz

Watch this video and get to know fellow class member Janina Jachimowicz. She joined the Brain Fitness class to keep her mind active and enjoys her experiences here.

Charles Anacker

Enjoy this video of class member Charles Anacker and learn why he joined the Brain Fitness class and what he is experiencing because of the changes he is making in his life.

Julieta Torralva

Watch this short video to get to know Julieta Torralva and why she is in our Brain Fitness class.

John McKnight

Watch this video to get to know Brain Fitness student John McKnight a little better. Find out how his participation in Brain Fitness has helped him.

Anne Fisher

Watch this video of Anne Fisher, a member of our class, and learn a little about who she is and why she joined the class.

Kathy Lasky

Kathy Lasky, a long-time Brain Fitness student and BrainHQ user, was interviewed over several days in late 2016 by CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta. He wanted to find out how brain fitness training has affected her cognitive skills and quality of life. In the ensuing television special, aired January 7, 2017 on CNN, the prevention of dementia was the focus, and one of Posit Science’s scientifically-based brain training exercises, Double Decision, was highlighted. Results of research proving it’s positive effects on cognitive health were discussed. Kathy, as a student of Brain Fitness, confirmed the findings through sharing her own experiences of how the training helped her make the choice to come back out of retirement and continue working and engaging fully in life.