02/17: New Ideas in Brain Speed & Learning

Welcome to Our Online Brain Fitness Class

BHQ site: (www.brainhq.com)

New Ideas in Brain Speed and Learning

Our Brain Fitness curriculum is built on layers. Each week, we focus on a different aspect of a healthy brain, with topics picking up with others ended. Last week we discussed the importance of paying attention and focusing intently, while engaging areas of the brain to maintain attention. This week, we layer on brain speed and learning.

Like last week, the basics lesson for brain speed provides the key elements of brain speed. It includes reasons for slower processing speed, some ways to help someone who has experienced a slowing in their speed, and lifestyle choices to slow the decline of brain speed as you age. To review what you learned previously, you can view the basics lesson online.

We will review some of the key components that are understood, and will then look at some research involving brain speed and learning. Finally, we will look for some practical ways to improve our brain speed and learning.

You can view this lesson on the course website (recommended, as it includes some bonus features not seen on the handout). For your convenience, here is a link to the handout. If you like, view the PowerPoint presentation created for the in-class lecture based on this lesson. And finally, let's see how much you learned! Take this short quiz to find out.

The BrainHQ Connection

From the BrainHQ Website, read: Why Does Brain Speed Matter, and What Can I Do to Improve It? ...to learn how brain speeds changes throughout life, why it is so important, and how the exercises can help. Then check out Debbie's Slide Presentations below to see which exercises you might like to work on. You can always skip to Personal Trainer and go directly to the exercises that target your needs, to mix-up your schedule once in a while.

Review: Do you remember Debbie’s Pre-recorded Presentation on Brain Speed from the Basics class? It is an excellent review and reminder of the important aspects of brain processing speed. Debbie has also provided a visual presentation of each Brain Speed exercise on the BrainHQ program. Below is a list of each of the Brain Speed exercises, with a very comprehensive overview in short slide presentations. Check them out to learn more about these exercises, how they work, and why they are important.

Slide presentations: Just click on the links to view: Hawk Eye PPt Visual Sweeps PPt Sound Sweeps PPt Eye for Detail PPt Fine Tuning PPt

Zoom Session

Zoom Session: We will be having our second face-to-face, online Zoom session this week, on Wednesday evening, Feb 19th, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. In the first half-hour we will answer questions about the exercises or BHQ website. Then, at 7:00 we will talk about the weekly Basics lesson. We will be live at 6:30 for individual questions or to demonstrate, live, any exercise you may have questions about. Just follow the instructions on the Home Page or click here and scroll down to Weekly Zoom Sessions to learn how (there’s even a video to help you). This week our lessons for both Basics and Topics are related, so you are welcome to log in for the Basics Session for a little review before your Topics Lesson on New Research on Attention.

Here's the schedule of events and live links:

6:30 - 7:00 Q&A about exercises, websites or lessons

7:00 - 7:30 Basics Lesson on Brain Speed

7:30 - 8:00 Topics Lesson on New Ideas in Brain Speed and Learning

If it’s your first time participating in a Zoom session, you can try it by getting on the site early to see how easy it is to get it set up. We begin our first BHQ Lesson at 6:30, so try getting on at about 6:15-6:30 and call Pat (at the number below) if you have any trouble. You can participate by video and audio, or just listen in by phone. Please let us know if you need help!

Contact Us

Need help? Contact us at:

Pat Mosteller (pmostell@sdccd.edu) Cell 619-818-3953 - Online classes

Mary Burns (mburns@sdccd.edu) - Online classes

Debbie Flores (dsflores@sdccd.edu) - Online classes & Wednesday AM and PM classes at the Kroc Center

Janet Blair ( blusdbits@gmail.com ) - St Pauls Plaza. Contact for Support and Lesson Review

Yael Lorberfeld (ylorberfeld@sdccd.edu) . Mondays at the Kroc Center, Wednesdays at the College Ave Senior Center (Temple Emanu-El), and Friday mornings at the La Jolla JCC.

Marilyn Kessler (marilynk@ifssd.org) - Mondays at the College Ave Senior Center (Temple Emanu-El)