2/10 Attention

Welcome to Our Online Brain Fitness Class

BHQ site: (www.brainhq.com)

Welcome to Week 3 of our Online Brain Fitness Class. This will be the first week of your brain fitness lessons, and this is a very important one, because it is one of the skills we tend not to use as much as we get older, and that can make our brain health begin to wane. This week we will "focus" on Attention, the first category of the brain training exercises.

So far we have been learning about the BHQ program and how to navigate the website. Now we will begin to learn about that amazing brain you possess, the way it works, and lifestyle changes you can make to keep you brain working efficiently. There is some very important information to read and view this week (just click on the underlined links below). You can even spread it out over a few days. Then explore the BHQ website (linked below), to see how you can improve your attention with the BHQ exercises. Starting this week, you can change your life and your brain forever, and even the way you use your brain.

After you've followed any of the links below to read a lesson or view a feature, you can use the drop down menu above (under BF Basics) to return to this week's entry (look for 2/10 Attention) and continue your lesson, or simply close (X-out of ) the lesson page and this one will pop back up.


What is Attention? What is needed to have a good attention span? And just how does attention work? These questions and more are explained in our interactive lesson on Attention this week, or you can download and print our handout on Attention. Access the PowerPoint presentation summarizing this lesson. In this reading, you will learn how to find the focus, and will be warned about the biggest distractions to our attention. Make sure to check out the videos by clicking on the live links included in the handout. If the links don’t open automatically, you may notice that they have been added to your tab bar at the top of your screen. Then just click on the new tab and the video should open.

Also, for this lesson, we have created a pre-recorded lesson for you to view and listen to. This is very much like being at the weekly Zoom Session and seeing the presentation. Just click here for the Pre-recorded Lesson, and enjoy the presentation!

After you read and view the lessons take the quiz: Quiz

Additional readings (optional):

Read the Art of Paying Attention

Read Improving your Attention

The BrainHQ Connection

The BHQ Connection: Now explore the Attention exercises on the BrainHQ website. Since you are a beginner in the BHQ class, you may not have seen all of the attention exercises yet. That’s fine, but go ahead and read about them all when you have time. It will help you to understand the exercises better when you do start them.

Click here to find and read about all of the "Exercises" (you can click on whatever category or exercise you want to read about). To find out how well you know the attention exercises TAKE THIS QUIZ . Remember, you may not be familiar with all of the exercises mentioned yet! That’s okay, the answers are in the readings.

Have you even wondered "How Do BrainHQ Training Exercises Help Me with Attention and Focus?" Click on the questions for some short answers and links to further understanding.

The PowerPoints below provide a beautiful visual presentation of each exercise, explaining what it is, how it works, why it’s important, and how it challenges and improves your brain--an excellent way to learn more about all of the exercises.

Just click on the links to view:

Divided Attention PPt

Double Decision PPt

Mixed Signals PPt

Target Tracker PPt

Zoom Session

Zoom Session: We will be having our second face-to-face, online Zoom session this week, on Wednesday evening, Feb 12th, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. In the first half-hour we will answer questions about the exercises or BHQ website. Then, at 7:00 we will talk about the weekly lesson, share BHQ experiences, and review the PowerPoint presentation. We will be live at 6:30 for individual questions or to demonstrate, live, any exercise you may have questions about. Just follow the instructions on the Home Page or click here and scroll down to Weekly Zoom Sessions to learn how (there’s even a video to help you). This week our lessons for both Basics and Topics are related, so you are welcome to stay for both sessions if you would like a little deeper understanding of this week's topic.

Here's the schedule of events and live links:

6:30 - 7:00 Q&A about exercises, websites or lessons

7:00 - 7:30 Basics Lesson on Attention

7:30 - 8:00 Topics Lesson on New Research on Attention

If it’s your first time participating in a Zoom session, you can try it by getting on the site early to see how easy it is to get it set up. We begin our first BHQ Lesson at 6:30, so try getting on at about 6:15-6:30 and call Debbie (at the number below) if you have any trouble. You can participate by video and audio, or just listen in by phone. Please let us know if you need help!

Contact us

Need help? Contact us at:

  • Pat Mosteller: pmostell@sdccd.edu; Cell 619-818-3953 (online classes)

  • Mary Burns: mburns@sdccd.edu (online classes)

  • Debbie Flores: dsflores@sdccd.edu; Cell 619-608-9001 (online classes and Wednesday A.M. and P.M. Topics classes at the Kroc Center)

  • Janet Blair: blusdbits@gmail.com (St. Paul's Plaza--contact for support and lesson review)

  • Yael Lorberfeld: ylorberfeld@sdccd.edu (Monday A.M. Basics class at the Kroc Center, Wednesdays at the College Avenue Senior Center (Temple Emanu-El), and Friday A.M. at the La Jolla JCC.

  • Marilyn Kessler: marilynk@ifssd.org (Mondays at the College Avenue Senior Center (Temple Emanu-El)