Entering 1st Grade Literacy

Welcome to the Literacy Virtual Learning University page! We’re so glad you’re here! Below are some activities to challenge and keep you learning throughout the summer. If you are unable to complete the challenges below for any reason, feel free to adjust the activity to meet your learner's specific needs. Happy Learning!

Challenge 1: Get a Hold of a Good Book and READ!

Pick a book, or two, or three from home, the library, or access ebooks on your school's library site. Read, read, and read some more! You can keep a tally of the books you read throughout the summer. Here are some suggestions to get you started- Summer Reading Suggestions.

Challenge 2: If You’re Grateful and You Know It...

Create a Gratitude Journal. Draw and write about one thing each day of summer that you are thankful for and why. Share your gratitudes with a family member or friend, and ask them to share something they’re thankful for and why, too.

Challenge 3: “Series”ous Summer Reading

Think of a favorite book series that you enjoy. Read a couple of the books in the series. If you don’t have a favorite series, consider Biscuit books, If You Give... books by Laura Numeroff, Frog and Toad books, or Froggy books. After reading a few of the books, talk about the similarities and differences in the characters’ adventures. Consider making a puppet of one of the characters and act out the book.

Challenge 4: Chalk it Up

Grab some sidewalk chalk and head outside! Practice writing a list of colors you see around you, any animals you see or hear, or rhyming words. You could also include a picture with these words or draw a picture of something you see or love and label it.

Challenge 5: Friendship Mix

Follow this recipe or a different one you find online to make your own trail mix. You can change the ingredients to come up with your own delicious mix. Tell (or even write) the steps you took to make the friendship mix (First, Next, Then, Last).

Challenge 6: You’ve Got Mail

Write a letter or email to…

*a friend

*a relative

*your teacher

*someone of your choice

Ask a grown up to help you send it.

Challenge 7: Explore Your Local Libraries

Libraries are important to the community around them. Visit a local library to check out books, access ebooks through their websites, or take part in some fun-filled scheduled events.

Local Libraries to visit:

Challenge 8: Writing in Nature

Find a quiet place outside. It could be an area as familiar as your backyard or as extravagant as a vacation setting. You can check out natural spaces such as parks or nature centers in your community. Draw a picture of something you see and write a sentence or story using your senses. ( i.e. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel?)

Challenge 9: Words, Words Everywhere

There are words all around us. As you drive or walk around, notice words on storefronts, restaurant signs, food labels, and street signs. Try reading parts of a menu and ordering your own meal while out to dinner with your family. Or, help your parents by writing down their grocery list.

Challenge 10: Oh The Places You’ll Read…..

There are many creative ways to enjoy a book. Try some of these ideas:

  • flashlight reading in the dark

  • read to a stuffed animal or pet

  • read outside under a tree, in the sun, on a park bench or swing, etc.

  • read in a tent or homemade fort

  • read on a family trip

  • Audio books: Unite for Literacy, Storyline Online