Lifting Procedures

Guidelines for Lifting Students who are Non-Ambulatory

Only trained South Bend Community School Corporation employees may lift a student. The following school personnel may appropriately provide care or assist in lifting students: (This list is not inclusive, and may include others who have not been trained)

  • School Nurse

  • Physical Therapist

  • Occupational Therapist

  • Speech and Language Therapist

  • Special Education and General Education Teachers

  • Paraprofessionals and others who have been trained in appropriate lifting procedures and who will continue to receive on-going in-service training in these procedures.

Training procedures are dictated by the individual needs of the student as noted in their IEP and/or by a physician’s order. Generally, OTs and PTs can assist with training specific to the student.

Universal Do's and Don'ts of Lifting*

  • Do lock the wheelchair brakes whenever moving the student in or out of the wheelchair.

  • Do tell the student what you are going to do.

  • Do wear non-skid, low-heeled footwear, both staff members and student. Flip Flops and/or other sandal type shoes are NOT appropriate.

  • Do keep feet apart for a wide base of support.

  • Do remember to unfasten all seat belts and harnesses.

  • Do bend at the hips and knees.

  • Do not bend forward at the hips while standing with the knees straight.

Any student who weighs over 40 lbs. requires the South Bend Community School Corporation approved two-person lift procedure.

The only two-person lift procedure approved by the South Bend Community School Corporation is as follows:

      • 1st individual lifts the upper half of the student’s body from behind.

      • 2nd individual lifts the lower half of the student’s body (thigh level) from in front or from the side.

      • Staff must never attempt a lift from two sides or by grasping clothing instead of a student’s legs or trunk.

      • Staff must never carry a student more than 5 feet. Rather staff should move chair, wheelchair or equipment to the student.

      • Any other lifting procedure (mobility or behavior related) requires additional training from a therapist, nurse, behavioral consultant or resource consultant.

      • Staff is not to lift or carry a student in his/her wheelchair.

      • Staff is trained and reminded to always use good body mechanics when lifting or carrying students.

Good Body Mechanics

  • Do not bend forward. Keep back flat or arched inward.

  • Maintain a firm base of support by keeping your legs apart, with one foot forward when possible.

  • Bend at the knees and hips. Lift with your legs-let your legs do the work.

  • Hold students or objects close to your trunk.

  • Turn by moving your feet instead of twisting your back.

  • Dress appropriately-Wear flat heeled shoes and clothes for freedom of movement.

Procedure Descriptions

Floor to Wheelchair - Two Person Lift Procedure*

  1. The student is in a sitting position on the floor. The wheelchair is placed parallel to the student. The brakes are locked and the footrests are moved out of the way. The seat belt is unfastened and is hanging at the side of the chair, not in the seat.

  2. The taller person squats behind the student, reaches under the student’s arms and holds the student’s forearms, which have been crossed, over his/her chest. Avoid injury to the child by lifting under the arms.

  3. The other person squats beside the student and supports the child’s legs, placing one hand under the thighs and the other hand under the lower legs, and flexes the legs in an approximation of the sitting position.

  4. At the count of three, lifting the student slowly, staff stand erect using leg muscles, not back muscles. (This avoids back injury to staff.) The person supporting the student’s legs will likely find holding the legs under the knees easiest.

  5. Staff position the student over the seat and lower slowly until the student is seated on the chair. Staff position the student properly in the chair and replace the seat belt and other positioning harnesses/hardware.

Note: the student’s physician may give special instructions.

Wheelchair to Bed/Table - Twp Person Lift*

  1. Place the wheelchair parallel to the bed or table. The taller person stands behind the wheelchair, reaches under the student’s arms and holds the student’s forearms, which have been crossed over the chest.

  2. The other person squats close to the student and places one hand high under the thighs while placing the other hand under the calves.

  3. At the count of three, both persons slowly lift the student straight upward.

  4. Both persons bring the student over the bed/table and lower slowly until the student is resting upon it.

Note: the student’s physician may give special instructions.

(*)From Guidelines for the Health Care Management of School Children with Special Needs, Indiana Department of Education, Division of Special Education, 1993.

Wheelchair Safety Procedures

  • Students in wheelchairs must have their seat belts secured at all times at school and during school activities or functions.

  • Only authorized staff should push students in wheelchairs. It is not advisable for other students to push wheelchairs except under direct staff supervision (e.g. emergencies).

  • ONLY the wheelchair owner shall propel, ride, or sit in a student’s wheelchair (whether manual or power).