
Health Plans

Individual Health Plans should be developed with the school nurse. Health Plans must be attached to the IEP when a student has medical needs that require significant support from Special Education and/or school nursing staff.

ALL of the student’s teachers must receive a copy of the Individual Health Plan along with the IEP.

A copy of the Individual Health Plan must also be included in the teacher’s sub folder.

If an Individual Health Plan has been developed, it must be indicated under Aids and Supports in the Provisions section of the IIEP system. A statement should be added to the Aids and Supports section, designating that there is a Health plan for this student.

Individual Health Plans must be downloaded and attached to the IEP. Please include this statement in the Accommodations section: See Attached Student's Individual Health plan. (this allows it to print with the IEP At a Glance). The Health plan must be attached to all copies of the IEP and the IEP at a Glance.

Health Plan must also be noted under Pertinent Information.

Upload a copy of the Health Plan into the Documents section of IIEP.

  • Scan the completed Health Plan into your computer.

  • Go do Documents

  • Click "Upload External Documents" and locate the scanned Health Plan. Label the document as "Health Plan" and include the date that it was developed for the student.