
Student Enrollment

Enrollment Procedure for Special Education Students

Students with special needs who are transferring/enrolling from outside of SBCSC require a number of forms not included in the regular enrollment process. The regular enrollment process includes:

  • Registration form

  • Copy of birth certificate

  • Proof of residence

  • Library ID application

  • Emergency card

  • Home language/ work survey (out of state enrollment)

  • Free and Reduced Lunch form

In addition to the forms listed above, the following Special Education forms need to be completed when the student with a disability (including speech therapy) enrolls from anywhere (including charter, non-public, public, and out-of-state schools).

At no time should a student be denied enrollment in school while waiting to confirm his/her eligibility for special education services.

Enrollment Procedure

Each school administrator has designated a person to process all new student enrollments.

The designated person assisting with the enrollment should:

  • Give the parent regular enrollment paperwork to complete

  • Check the registration form to determine if the parent checked yes or no to the question: Has your child ever received special education services?

  • If No

    • Ask if the child has an IEP.

    • Ask if the child receives speech services.

  • If YES,

    • Parent will fill out/sign FERPA-HIPPA - Authorization for Release of Information [Spanish] for the previous school attended if requesting non-educational records

    • If parent has a copy of IEP and/or psychological evaluation report (or speech evaluation report), make a copy for our records to include with enrollment paperwork.

      • Give a copy of the enrollment paperwork and the IEP to the designated special education teacher or SLP in the building so that he/she can then verify eligibility with the Psych.

      • Place a copy of the psychological/speech evaluation report in the school psychologist’s box, and SLP’s box.**

From here, the special education teacher will take over the following enrollment procedure process.

Eligibility can be verified either through:

    • a current or recently outdated IEP, or

    • verbal verification through phone contact with previous school district personnel-(ask specifically about the student’s eligibility and type/amount/location of services he/she received)

  • THEN have parent sign Permission for New Enrollees * to receive Education Services form (this form MUST be completed if the student’s special education status is verified).

  • Give parent a copy of Procedural Safeguards.

IF eligibility can NOT be verified at the time of enrollment, the student may NOT receive any special education services until there is verification and the parent signs for permission to provide services.

  • The student should be considered a general education student.

  • On the top of the registration form, record dates that the student’s records were requested from the previous district.

  • It is IMPORTANT to keep documentation of all requests to obtain records on potential special education students.

  • The special education support team personnel or special education services office can assist in obtaining records from the previous school if initial attempts by the school’s designated person handling enrollments does not result in timely receipt of records.

  • If the IEP is not received within 10 school days of the original request, contact the school psychologist/SLP to initiate testing to verify eligibility.

    • For all students either with verified or suspected special education status, email the following personnel to notify them of a potential special education student:

      • Special Education Support Team member assigned to your school

      • School Psychologist assigned to your school

        • Once records are received, place a copy of the PSYCHOLOGICAL report in the school psychologist’s box and the SLP’s box.**

      • Speech/Language Pathologist (SLP) assigned to your school


**The School Psychologist or SLP must review every newly enrolled special education student’s psychological or speech evaluation report to ensure that all assessment components are consistent with Indiana requirements, and to ensure that the appropriate eligibility is documented. The school psychologist or SLP may recommend additional assessment; however, this should not delay the provision of special education and related services

Move-In Conference

  • Per Indiana Article 7, for a student with a verified disability, a case conference must be held not later than 10 school days after verification of his/her special education eligibility from outside of the school district.

  • The Special Education Support Team member can assist with the Move-In Conferences at the buildings.

  • How to write a Move In Conference


The Teacher of Record immediately sends the following items to Special Education Services for entry into IIEP and tagging in Power School: