

Young Adult Services

Young Adult Services (YAS) is a post-secondary educational program that offers services until age 22. Eligible students have completed high school with a Certificate of Completion. Students who have earned a high school diploma are not eligible for YAS services.

The YAS curriculum is focused on vocational and life skills development directed toward preparing individuals to enter adult life. Instruction is primarily functional and focuses on building and maintaining essential skills that meet the individual student's goals.

YAS provides students with opportunities to develop vocational skills, obtain work experiences, and complete a portfolio of educational and work experiences. YAS emphasizes life skills activities that encourage individuals to live as independently as possible. Transition services/life planning that connects students with available community resources and adult services are a part of the program.

Student schedules vary according to needs described in the IEP. YAS is a half day program, and morning or afternoon is determined by the student's address.

Training can be provided in the following areas:

  1. Functional Academics

  2. Vocational

    1. INTERN Program

    2. Goodwill Services

    3. YAS Enclave (A variety of community job training sites)

  3. Home Living

  4. Recreation/Leisure