
Nonpublic Schools

Non-Public School Services

The school district where the non-public school is located is responsible for serving all students in their district. A case conference must be held each year to offer FAPE (Free and Appropriate Public Education) to each student residing in the SBCSC district and to develop a Service Plan for all nonpubic school students with disabilities.

Special Education Services for Parentally Placed Non-Public School Students With Disabilities

The South Bend Community School Corporation is required to offer services to all students with disabilities who either attend a non-public school located within the SBCSC attendance boundaries or are homeschooled. FAPE is offered through an Individual Education Plan (IEP) to each student with a disability who resides within the SBCSC boundaries at his/her annual case conference.

If parents choose to decline FAPE, and enroll the student in a non-public school, an ISP will be developed, and the level of service will be less than the offer of FAPE in his/her IEP in most cases.

A Service Plan must include:

  • Present level of educational performance

  • Measurable annual goals related to the services that will be provided

  • Special education and related services that will be provided

      • Periodic consultation between the teacher of record and the non-public school regarding the goals contained in the student’s service plan

      • Periodic reports from the teacher of record to the student’s parent specifying how the student is progressing toward the goals contained in the student’s service plan

      • Collaboration, which may include opportunities for professional development on topics such as the following:

          • Accommodations

          • Differentiated instruction

          • Universal design

          • Instructional or behavioral management techniques

          • Identification, adaptation, and utilization or materials, equipment and instructional aids

          • Response to scientific, research-based interventions

          • Other topics addressing the needs if the student

  • If applicable, a statement regarding the student’s participation in statewide assessments, including documentation of any appropriate testing accommodations that will be utilized by the student

  • The projected dates for initiation of services by the public agency and the anticipated length, frequency, location and duration of services

  • A statement of the student’s progress toward annual goals including how the parents will be informed of the progress.

  • If a student is enrolled, or is going to enroll in a non-public school outside of the student’s school district of legal settlement, parental consent must be obtained before any personally identifiable information about the student is released to the non-public school

The case conference must include representatives of the non-public school.

Consultation and Collaboration Services for Students in Non-Public Schools

  • Consultation and Collaboration services are provided to students who are parentally placed in non-public schools who are eligible for special education and related services. These services may include, but are not limited to the following: • Development of a service plan

  • Periodic communication between the teacher of record and the non-public school regarding the goals contained in the student’s service plan.

  • Periodic reports from the teacher of record to the student’s parent specifying how the student is progressing toward the goals contained in the student’s service plan.

  • Collaboration, which may include opportunities for professional development on topics such as the following:

      • Accommodations.

      • Differentiated instruction.

      • Universal design.

      • Instructional or behavioral management techniques.

      • Identification, adaptation, and utilization or materials, equipment and instructional aids.

      • Response to scientific, research-based interventions.

      • Other topics addressing the needs if the student.

Evaluation of Students in Non-Public Schools

The SBCSC is responsible for evaluating students who reside within the boundaries of the SBCSC, including those who are homeschooled. For students who attend non-public schools within the boundaries of SBCSC (regardless of whether or not the student resides within South Bend), the Corporation is responsible for conducting educational evaluations. For students who reside in South Bend, but attend a school which is located in another school district, the district in which the school is located is responsible for conducting the evaluation. However, if the parent so chooses, SBCSC can complete the evaluation.

When SBCSC conducts an evaluation on students residing in South Bend, but attending an out of district school, the SBCSC must obtain written parental consent prior to sharing any information with the out-of district school.

Typically, psychologists, diagnosticians, SLPs, OT/PT, or CAT team members assess the student at the student’s school. However, in certain circumstances, the evaluator may request that the student be brought to a SBCSC location in order to complete the evaluation.

The General Education Intervention process must be implemented prior to a referral for an evaluation.