
Transition IEPs


The Transition IEP is driven by the student’s post-secondary goals, that is, what he/she would like to do after high school. The school is responsible for writing an IEP that demonstrates what the school will do in that IEP period to assist the student in working towards his/her chosen career path and/or goals.

  • Assessments must be administered to transition-aged students each year. The law requires that annual assessments be done to determine post-secondary needs.

  • Students who will turn 14 within the period of the IEP dates, or are in 8th grade MUST have transition needs addressed in the IEP

Transition IEPs must be done each year until a student graduates with a diploma or through their 22nd year.

You must administer a variety of different assessments to your transition-aged students each year. Assessments should address each area (education/training, employment and/or independent living) where the student is anticipated to need help or services.

  • You cannot use the same assessment twice during a student's school career.

Information from the transition assessment should only be one piece of the puzzle. Having a detailed discussion of the assessment with the student prior to the conference will result in having written appropriate and relevant post secondary goals and activities.

Post secondary goals must be written to occur AFTER high school. The "I will" statements MUST be measurable. These measurable statements should be realistic, and not just what the student has indicated as his/her desire.

A measurable postsecondary goal is one you can answer with "Yes" or "No" to whether it is achieved within one year after leaving high school.


Download the Indiana Transition IEP Rubric for guidelines to help you in developing each section of the Transition Plan

Before the Case Conference Meeting:

  • One month prior to the ACC, distribute and/or complete with the student all the necessary transition assessments. A student interview is encouraged to assure that the post secondary plans and goals are realistic and achievable. If the student has an unreasonable goal (e.g. becoming a pro wrestler) be sure to guide the student toward a more reasonable goal.

  • Gather information from school staff (gen. ed teachers, guidance, administration) regarding grades, credits, and discipline referrals. Send home the Parent Transition Assessment

  • No later than 2 weeks prior to the ACC, schedule with parents the ACC meeting and begin entering transition information into the IIEP.

Gather Transition Materials

All Transition Students

Diploma Track Students

  • Is College for You?

  • Indiana NEXT, A Guide to Life after High School, Indiana Department of Education Indiana Commission for Higher Education, USA Funds and IBJ Media (available in guidance office or online at

Holding the IEP

  • Student MUST be invited to and attend the conference

      • Notice (Student is listed on the Notice of Case Conference)

      • Sign in sheet (Student signs the sign-in sheet)

      • If student is not in attendance, the reason for absence must be documented in the Conference Notes

          • Student is ill

          • Parents request the student not attend

  • Transition Representative invited to and in attendance at the student's Exit conference

      • Anyone from an outside agency that is going to be facilitating for the student after high school (may participate by phone). Most of these resources can be found in Taking the Next Step.

          • VRS Vocactional Rehabilitation Services

          • BDDS Bureau of Developmental Disabilites Services

          • Recruiting officer

          • College representative

  • Document transition discussion in case conference notes.

      • Document what transtion materials were given at this conference.

          • If students are approaching age 18, discuss guardianship and give parents "So you're going to be 18"

      • Each of the following must be discussed and addressed at the conference:

          • Discuss the findings from transition assessments

          • Discuss post secondary goals and update as necessary

          • Address the need for an ndependent living goal.

          • Review Transition services for each goal area

          • Review IEP goals as they relate to transition areas


List of Downloadable Assessments

Indiana Transition Resource Center Matrix

Transition Resources For Teachers

Download Taking the Next Step Manual Print the manual out back to back for a total of about 15 pages.

Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center

Tuesday's Tips

Tuesday's Transition Tips for Teachers is a weekly listserv sponsored by the Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center. The weekly "Tip" provides brief information, resources and the latest statewide happenings and events. Brief "Tips" will cover topics such as quality and compliant Transition IEPs, transition assessments, drop-out prevention strategies, work-based learning, academic and life skill instruction, family involvement, working with Vocational Rehabilitation Services and much, much more.