


The staffing process is an opportunity to identify supports and procedures that help ensure a student’s educational progress. A staffing meeting should be scheduled by any school staff member when a student is exhibiting poor performance in the classroom (academic or behavioral) and universal interventions/strategies implemented by the teacher(s) have not been as successful as expected for this student.

The staffing meeting should include 3-5 members, including teachers, resource staff, administrator and/or specialists. Parents or others MAY be included as determined by the uniqueness of the situation for the student. This meeting does NOT replace a case conference for a student who is eligible for special education services. However, the staffing meeting can serve as a planning opportunity prior to a case conference.

This staffing process is based on a problem solving model which identifies:

  1. known areas of strengths and needs of the student

  2. interventions that have been implemented and data regarding their effectiveness

  3. a plan for providing additional supports/interventions for helping the student to successfully access the curriculum and/or the school setting

The staffing plan also:

  1. identifies the data collection that will track the student’s response to the intervention(s)

  2. documents what has been used and what works over time

  3. monitors the long-term student progress through follow-up meeting(s)

Prior to the scheduled staffing meeting, the referring staff member will complete the SBCSC Staffing Form. (items 1-5). Copies will be made or shared so that each participating member has access during the meeting.

At the scheduled staffing meeting, the staff will:

  1. review current information provided

  2. discuss possible needs/lagging skills that may be contributing to the area(s) of concern

  3. develop a plan for providing focused interventions/supports

The Staffing Form will be completed (items 6-11) at the meeting and copies will be distributed to all pertinent staff/departments. Staff members responsible for implementing any part of the plan will be identified and a date set for the next meeting to review progress.

It should be noted that any support/intervention included in the staffing plan that may alter the implementation of an IEP for a student eligible for special education services will require a case conference.

After the meeting, staff designated in the staffing plan will provide outlined supports/interventions. Data will be collected for the determined time period. The staff members will meet again on a designated date and analyze the data collected to determine whether the plan has been successful. Changes to the staffing plan will be made if little/or no progress has been documented, and documented in the progress monitoring section of the plan.

SBCSC Staffing Form.