Access to IIEP

SBCSC uses the IndianaIEP system to complete all IEPs. IIEP is a web-based program. Access is limited to certified Special Education Teachers and support staff.  Users will access IIEP via the LINK portal, which is an initiative of the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE Unified Access/LINK initiative).

When you click the above link, you will see this screen:

Click the RED BAR to "Sign in using Google", because our corporation uses the GSuite protocol. 

Please note that "I forgot my IDOE login password" is only there for looks. It will NEVER work. If you have truly forgotten your SBCSC email password, you must call Tech Services (574-393-5970)

At the next screen, you will see apps provided by IDOE.

Click on the EdPlan tile to go into IIEP.

If you do not see the EdPlan tile, you will need to contact the Special Ed Department (574-393-6119) to make corrections to your account.

New Accounts

(for new employees or those logging into IIEP for the first time)

Additional Resource: LINK User Login Support

Access to an additional school

Use the form below to request access to another school.

NOTE: Please ONLY use this form for new accounts or adding schools.



1. I do not see the EdPlan Tile when I login.

2. When I get into IIEP, my caseload is missing

Contact the special ed department at 574-393-6119 (This is usually caused by a mismatch with your email address)