

General professional guidelines

Procedures for receiving medication at school

Release of information to communicate with Doctor's Office

Procedure for when a Health Plan is indicated:

  • Inhaler

  • Seizure Disorders

  • Epi Pens/Allergies

Students eligible for special education services sometimes have physical disabilities, health impairments and/or problems that necessitate the administration of medication during school hours. These medications are to be administered in accordance with the following Student Medication Procedures. The implementation of this procedure is the responsibility of the school nurse and the building principal.

  • A signed Release of Information To and From the physician and the South Bend Community School Corporation must be signed by the parent.

  • A written order by a physician must be provided for all prescription medications. The physician’s instructions must specify: the dosage that is to be given; the hours at which the medication is to be given; and the length of time for which the medication is to be administered.

  • The written order by a physician must be renewed at least annually for all long-term medications.

  • All medications (prescription and nonprescription) required at school for a student with a disability must be delivered to school personnel via the parent or other responsible adult.

  • All medications (prescription and nonprescription) must be delivered to school personnel in the original container from the pharmacy and bear the label of the pharmacy or manufacturer.

  • All medications (prescription and nonprescription) must be kept in a secure location within the school. No medication is to be kept in the classroom.

  • The Permission for Medication form must be provided for each medication the student requires at school. This form is to be maintained at the student’s school by the school nurse.

  • All medications must be administered by designated school personnel.

  • The parent/guardian may withdraw consent for the administration of medication at any time. This request must be made in writing.

  • School personnel are to maintain a record of all medications that are administered during school hours.

  • School personnel are to inform the parents of any adverse or unusual reaction of the child to a medication that is administered during school hours.

  • School personnel are to inform parents of any circumstances which result in medication not being administered per the specified instructions.

  • Permission for Prescription Medication