Water Pollution at Shoal Creek

Juliet O. & Birdie L. discuss the ways a place like Shoal Creek gets polluted, and the effect on the living organisms within

by Juliet O. & Birdie L.
Published April 5, 2024

All creeks have life in the water, but have you ever thought about their environment and if it's clean or healthy? If you have, have you ever thought about how to help it and save our little friends?  Shoal Creek in Austin, Texas  is a creek with many living organisms like fish, turtles, snakes and even birds. When we pollute it, we can harm many of the living creatures in it.

For example, let's say you have a gas car and you park by a storm drain in your neighborhood and your car starts to leak oil into the drain. If it goes into the drain, the oil will go to the creek and damage the environment and the living organisms in it. When birds eat the fish at Shoal Creek, if the water at the creek is polluted, the fish can catch diseases, and when the birds eat it they will get sick and maybe even die. 

Another example is when people litter. When the pieces of fabric or plastic break down they turn into tiny particles and pollute the water. When people litter in your neighborhood or town and you see some, pick it up! People are littering all over Austin, Texas. When you litter it can go into the water and then animals see it and they think it is food so they can get sick. Texas Disposal Systems said that, “Researchers estimate that over one million animals die each year after ingesting, or becoming in wrapped in improperly disposed trash.” 


Also when dogs poop on the side of the creek you probably would not have guessed but rain will break down the poop into particles that are harmful to the creek life, and it will wash down into the creek. Make sure to pick up your dog waste, and some of the trash you see too. 

We hope you will now understand the concept of “save our creeks”. When you go out into the world, speak up, clean up, and do your part to save Shoal Creek.