Life in Israel

Camila & Eloise interview Camila's older sister for her perspective on life in Israel as the Israel-Hamas war continues. 

by Camila S. & Eloise F.
Published December 21, 2023

From children to elders there have been 240 innocent people taken as hostages since October 7, 2023 in the war between Israel and Hamas, according to The American Jewish Committee at the time of publishing. On Tuesday, December 12, 2023 we got the privilege to interview Sophia Fineberg. She has been helping kids and families who have been impacted by the war. Fineberg is a 24 year old living in Jerusalem, Israel. Sophia is getting a masters in social work, and she is an intern at a therapy program specifically for kids and families. She is a newlywed as of September 2023 and said it is not what she and her husband expected to happen within the first few months of their marriage. In our interview we asked a few questions about what it is like to be in Israel right now and how Fineberg is feeling.

The first question we asked was, “How do you feel about the war?” and Sophia answered, “ I feel very fortunate that I am safe in Jerusalem while a lot of families are struggling”. After that we asked, “How do you handle stress?” and she said that she spends a lot of time with friends and family to distract herself and she also tries to limit the amount of time that she spends on the news. The community in Jerusalem right now is very close and connected. Sophia said that most of the time everyone drops what they are doing if someone in the community needs help. A way Fineberg helps her community is by shopping for soldiers in the IDF. This includes things like medicine, underwear, food, clothing, and most everyday household items. 

The war in Israel has made an effect on everyone no  matter how big or small. We asked, “how does this affect your day to day life?” Fineberg said that it threw her calendar off schedule because all of the events that were planned, had to be postponed or canceled.  The next question we asked was, “What emotionally ‘hits’ you?” Finberg responded “All of the innocent people who are being held hostage and the people who are suffering.” 

In recent weeks, people have claimed that “crisis actors” are staging scenes of carnage and that U.S. Marines are flooding in to fight on the ground in Gaza. About  859 civilians, 283 soldiers, 57 policemen, and 10 Shin Bet members, have died in December 2023 in Israel. As of December 15th, over 19,000 Palestinians and Israelis in all have been killed in the Israel–Hamas war, including 64 journalists and over 100 UNRWA aid workers. Also , More than 6,000 children have been killed in Gaza – not counting those still missing or buried under the rubble. According to the official count, 116 Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers have been killed in combat since the start of the invasion. In addition, 900 bloodlines have been killed. In conclusion, many people have been affected by the Hamas and Israel war even if it is little or big.