Solutions to Food Waste

When we waste food, it goes to a landfill and rots, producing methane - a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere. IMP∆CT journalists introduce us to a school with an innovative way to save food. We also learn about FlashFood is a company exploring solutions to food waste. Finally, we explore salvage grocery stores.

By Ozzie B. and Julian L.

About a billion tons of food get thrown out and wasted every year, according to Newsela. The lost and wasted food generates almost a tenth of all the greenhouse gases that humans create each year. Food waste is also a problem because it produces methane when it goes to the landfill and decomposes. This contributes to climate change. 

Luckily, a creative elementary school in Orange County, Florida is doing their part to fix the problem. The school is using a system called the “share table” where students can drop off an unwanted food item and pick up something more appealing to them. The goal of the “share table” is for food waste to be reduced and to feed people who can’t afford food. At the end of the day, if there is any leftover food, it either goes to a local church or to families who need it.

Food waste isn't only a problem at schools. In fact, most food is thrown out at homes, according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Information was gathered from 54 countries. They found that 61 percent of food that goes uneaten is thrown out at home. Restaurants were responsible for 26 percent of waste, and grocery stores were responsible for 13 percent. Those are big numbers.

One thing that you can do to help reduce food waste is to be mindful when eating, This means when you're hungry, take notice of how hungry you are and then select an amount you plan to eat. If you take a small portion, you can always return for seconds if you are still hungry. A good motto is: Start off small; don't waste at all! 

Flash Food! (Kendall Steeg).mov

Video by Kendall S.

How you can make an IMP∆ CT and reduce food waste:

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

What is a salvage grocery store?

Angie's Discount Grocery in Round Rock is a salvage grocery store that  buys their merchandise from grocery reclamation centers. 

This includes food that is near or past its expiration, items in dented or torn packaging, items in seasonal or otherwise-dated packaging, manufacturer overstock, and salvage from truck wrecks. 

Unlike a traditional grocery store, which stocks the same items each week, salvage grocery stores stock different items weekly depending on what's available. Salvage grocery stores are on the forefront of preventing food waste!