Preserving the Amazon

The Amazon Rainforest is home to 10% of the known species on Earth. Unfortunately, humans are causing deforestation in this precious part of the world. Dhruv H. helps us to understand this issue.

Art by Flynn E.

How you can make an IMP∆CT on the Amazon Rainforest

Source: World Wildlife Fund

By Dhruv H.

The Amazon contributes to the ecosystem of the world. Unfortunately, humans have not handled the Amazon Rainforest seriously, which is causing it to disappear. According to the New York Times, if we lose the Amazon, 90 million tons of carbon dioxide wouldn't be recycled into oxygen into the atmosphere. This could turn into a big problem for all living creatures that need oxygen to survive. 

When we cut down trees in the Amazon, the earth loses a bit of its ability to release oxygen into the atmosphere. Cutting down trees also affects the amount of rain in the rainforest. According to NASA, when the air sweeps by in the Amazon, it picks up moisture from the trees and plants that turns into rain. Obviously, a rainforest needs rain or when the trees are being cut down it is affecting the rainforest's natural water cycle. Deforestation is putting the Amazon ecosystem in danger.

We can try to fix this problem by being more sustainable with wood, paper, and houses. We can contribute to being more sustainable by getting wood that has not been chopped down from a wild rainforest with no intention of replanting it. For example, wood farms are a place where they harvest wood and replant it. Another solution to this problem is to recycle wood, paper, and building materials. Humans could replant wood from parts of previous cut down trees. The governments where the Amazon is could stop illegal deforestation.

 In conclusion, the Amazon is a very important part of this world. To keep the Amazon alive we all need to contribute to being more sustainable. We know that the Amazon is filled with wildlife, trees, and water. If we don’t make a change, this unique ecosystem could be in danger. 

Photo by Dave Hoefler, Unsplash Images