Understanding Disabilities: "Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus"

“I’m sure most people who see me feel sorry for me at first. I think their first thought is probably something about how terrible it must be to not have arms. Maybe they imagine me helplessly being carried around by my mom everywhere in a giant baby backpack and my poor parents having to brush my teeth and feed me through a tube and change my diapers and whatever. What a lot of people don’t realize, though, is there are a lot of fantastic things about not having arms.” - Aven Green in Dusti Bowling's novel Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus

Photo: Maible E. 

Insignificant Events In The Life of a Cactus is about a 13 year old girl named Aven who was born with no arms. She was living in Kansas with her friends and family until her parents got an invitation to work at an amusement park called "Stagecoach Pass" in Arizona. Moving was a difficult change for her because she had to adjust to Arizona and a new school. At the beginning, Aven was scared and would eat in the bathroom at school, which was a big problem because that really told the reader that she felt embarrassed and self-conscious about not having any arms. She had to make new friends, which was difficult. She eventually made friends with a boy named Connor, who has something called Tourette syndrome, and a boy named Zion, who is self-conscious about his weight. Even though everything was a really hard challenge for Aven because she had no arms, she made the best of it. She also finds out secrets about herself and her family that she wouldn't have known if she still lived in Kansas.

- Jonah L. 

After reading Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus, we discussed our thoughts about the novel and what we learned about people with disabilities, such as limb differences or Tourette syndrome in podcasts. Click on the pictures below to listen to some of our reflections! 

"Books and Films with Henry and Kendall K."

Henry K. and Kendall K. 


Madelyn G. and Fisher W.

"Iker and Louise's Podcasts" 

Louise B. and Iker L.

"Insignificant Events in the Life of a Podcaster" 

Harris M., Landon P., and Marley S.

Some ways you can make an IMP∆CT:

Here are a few small steps that you can take to help make a difference for people with disabilities:

Ideas by Avery T. and Ethan B.

Don't forget to pick up a copy of Insignificant Events in the Life of a Podcast by Dusti Bowling from your nearest bookstore and let us know your thoughts! 

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