Stop Animal Testing

Alice H. shares her informed opinion on why animal testing should be stopped - from the environmental impact to the welfare of the animals themselves

by Alice H.
Published April 5, 2024

Animal testing is cruel to many animals. Animal testing is when people do complicated procedures on animals that mostly lead to illness, pain, physiological distress, and even death. These procedures are done to test cosmetic products and household cleaning products. The procedures affect the animals in many ways.

A few ways the procedures affect the animals is by causing mass mental distress, which can lead to death. And although death may seem like the worst thing for an animal, in this case it’s not. The worst things that can happen to animals that are being tested on is the torture and pain they are put through. Animal testing also not only affects animals, it also affects the environment. Ways it affects the environment is by polluting air, groundwater, and soil, which all affect humans and plants. This shows even more ways animal testing is bad in general.

Animal testing can also affect sales on products. Many people dislike specific companies that test animals, so they boycott those products and this would affect sales and that company. While there are a few possibilities of pros in animal testing, like making sure products are clean and free of chemicals, the cons of animal testing overweigh the pros. There are many products that test on animals, even large and popular ones such as Cerave, Dior, laneige and many more. This makes looking for cruelty free and chemical free products important.

Similar to looking for cruelty free products is spreading awareness about companies who do animal testing and spreading awareness about what animal testing is, as well as what you can do to avoid it. Spreading awareness can mean educating others, speaking up about classroom dissection, or even talking about it online and encouraging others to do the same. Ways you can avoid animal testing in real life are always looking at ingredients in cosmetics and shower products and telling your friends about brands that animal test.

The effects animal testing has on animals is tremendous, and spreading awareness about it is key. Animal testing is cruel to many animals, but if everyone spreads word and awareness about it, then it can be stopped.