Thoughts on Social Media

Social media can be a place to connect with people and share updates on your life. It can also be addictive and cause self-doubt as well as anxiety. Mamie B. and Eve G. explore positive and negative aspects of social media.

Flim by Mamie B.

By Eve G.

You may know about social media like Instagram, Snapchat and Tik-Tok. You may have it, but do you know how it is affecting the world in a negative way?

41% of teens have had negative impact on social media including an increased risk of depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm and even suicidal thoughts, according to It's not just teens that get affected by social media; it's also very young kids. Letting your kid on social media sites can influence their development like disturbing their sleep, exposing them to bullying, rumor spreading, and peer pressure, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Some people think that social media is good for children but why do they think that, and why is it wrong? According to Technology For Mindfulness, social media helps people strengthen their relationships, create new connections, and find social support in tough times. Nowadays, most of us use social media to keep in contact with friends and family. That is a true statement but they can be exposed to a lot more negative things as listed at the beginning. There are some things that you see on social media that you can't forget that make you feel not the best. Yes, you can communicate with friends and family but if you spend all of your time watching Tik-Tok or looking at Instagram then your grades will go down and you won't have enough sleep to function in school. Social media has its place in society but it also has many negative aspects particularly for younger students and teens.

How you can make an IMP∆CT: 

Source: Cone Health