Fashion Styles for Anyone

Tati encourages everyone to think about a under-discussed aspect of identity: fashion

by Tati BM
Publish January 26, 2024

Fashion is a beautiful thing. It lets people express themselves in many unique ways. There are many different styles of fashion, and people usually pick one to wear. You can also create your own style, even if it is not named. I usually wear either chic or athleisure, but many have styles that are their own, intentional or not.

There are lots of different styles of fashion, and these are only some of the many. There is elegant, which is something you would wear to a fancy occasion. There is also girly, which is a style with many ruffles and bows. Another style is artsy. This style lets you express yourself outwardly, and has many patterns and textures. Athleisure is a style that is for busy people who are always doing something, but also want to look good while doing it. Gothic fashion is the exact opposite of girly. It gives off a “leave me alone” kind of vibe. With fashion, you can be anybody you want to be. You can draw people in, and push people out. Fashion can be anything.

You can also have your own style of fashion. I have my own style of fashion. I call it the modern past. It is a mix of 18th century fashion and modern. It has a mix of draping and embroidery. My dream is to be a fashion designer, but I would need to team up with somebody to actually make the clothes I design. The clothes I make are usually very chic or girly. My inspiration is what I see around me. I will see two different articles of clothing and get inspired, then I will try to kind of mix them.  

Personal style is a very important trend at the moment. It lets you express yourself outwardly. It does not have to be named, but you can still put a label on it. Like I said, I have my own personal style. Really, you can mix any types of fashion, such as formal and artsy. 

I hope that after reading this, you have a better understanding of fashion. Maybe you will try to change your style of fashion, or you might realize you love what you are saying with your clothes. My goal is to make sure you know what you are saying, and make sure you are okay with it. You don’t have to copy what magazines or celebrities do. Insead, you can create your own trendsetting fashion. To all you fashion lovers out there, try something new and share it with the world.