Grade 5 students viewed artist Judy Gelles' global art called "The Fourth Grade Project." The project teaches about the power of empathy and understanding. Then the students created their own version, which we affectionately  called "The Fifth Grade Project." Here's a sampling.

Who do you live with?

What do you wish for?

What do you worry about?

I live with my mom, dad, sister, 2 guinea pigs and three dogs. I wish for gender equality because every gender should have the same thing. I worry about being separated from my family.

I live with my mom, my dad, my sister, and my dogs. I wish to become a fighter pilot. I worry about being kidnapped.

I live with my mom, dad, and dog. I wish for quality education for all children because every child deserves education. I worry for my family in San Luis Potosí, Mexico.

I live with my mom, dad, and baby brother. I wish for many friends who understand me. I worry about being unkind to someone without knowing.

I live with my twin sister, my older brother, mom, dad and dog named Waffles. I wish to hit an out-of-the-park home run. I worry about World War III happening.

I live with my mom, my dad, my older sister and my dog. I wish to play professional baseball. I worry about school because of getting good grades on tests.

I live with my mom, dad, sister, and dog. I wish to get 6 minutes and 40 seconds on the mile run. I worry about being in a school shooting.

I live in 2 houses. When I am at my mom’s house, I live with my step dad and my mom.

At my dad's house, I live with my step mom, my dad and my brother. I worry about my cat being eaten by coyotes. I wish to become a better volleyball player.

I live with my five siblings and my mom and dad. I wish for the safety of the world because people do dangerous stuff in the world. I worry about people hurting people .