Stop the Crash

How to reduce car fatalities

The United Nations has made a goal to halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents by 2030. At the local level, TDOT is running a campaign called #EndTheStreakTX with a goal of ending deadly crashes. To meet these goals, we need to realize that car crashes are preventable when everyone is doing their part. 

By Anita V.

Every 24 seconds someone dies on the road in the United States, according to the Association for Safe International Road Travel, a nonprofit organization. In Texas, the 2020 death toll of 3,896 was an increase of 7.54% from the 3,623 deaths recorded in 2019, according to the Texas Department Of Transportation. 

These fatalities can be caused by both drivers and pedestrians. For drivers, it may be speeding, rash driving, violation of rules, failure to understand signs, fatigue, tailgating, and drunk driving. On the other hand for pedestrians, it may be carelessness, illiteracy, crossing in the wrong places, and jaywalking. There are other causes such as poor road infrastructure and management, vehicles that are not fit for the road, unenforced or non-existent traffic laws, and inadequate post-crash care. 

In total this economic and social impact costs U.S. citizens $871 billion, according to ASIRT, and it costs the U.S. $380 million in medical costs. The U.S. suffers the most road crash deaths of any high-income country, about 50% higher than similar countries in Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan. 

However, many people are working to stop these horrible occurrences. For example, many cities such as Austin are working to ensure that road safety is a policy priority. TDOT 

has launched a campaign called #EndTheStreakTX campaign with the goal of ending the deadly crashes in the Lonestar State. Since most crashes and fatalities are preventable, the approach to reaching zero deaths must be through what TxDOT calls the 3 E’s – engineering, education and enforcement. That way, everyone has a responsibility to keep our roads and fellow drivers safe.

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Flim by Cilla Kay B.