Racial Affinity: What's the Importance?

"Tolerance, intercultural dialogue, and respect for diversity are more essential than ever in a world where peoples are becoming more and more interculturally connected." — Kofi Annan

Photo: Anita V. 

Racial Affinity Groups

The importance of Racial Affinity Groups is to embrace others and feel comfortable being different from other individuals. For example, I myself am multicultural. The times that I have been to affinity group meetings, I have felt a belonging. I felt like it was a space to be different but not different being with other people from different cultures. People that join these groups are embracing and sharing about their cultures, so not only am I learning new things, but I’m also teaching other people about me. We all share a feeling, inclusivity. We include each other into our thoughts and our feelings. Furthermore, we can all walk away feeling accomplished because we don’t exclude, but we include each other.

—PK B. 

Fusion at St. Andrew's

Here at St. Andrew’s, we have a racial affinity group called "Fusion". In this group, people in our community have the option of going to "Fusion" to talk and engage in activities that let us exhibit our identity. One activity we have done is an About Me web. The web has a drawing of yourself in the middle of a paper and has things about you or that you like doing connected to that drawing with lines. Another activity we are currently working on is decorating tiny dolls to look like us, using markers more closely match our skin tone, even though it's still sometimes hard to find the right combination of colors. At the end of each meeting we always come back together to chat and have cookies, brownies, or other candies together to just hang out and learn about each other and our cultures.

— Anita V. 

Photo: PK B. 

Some ways you can make an IMP∆CT:

We have introduced you to racial affinity groups but affinity groups can also be designated safe spaces for other identities such as religious affiliation or sexual orientation. Here are a few small steps that you can take to help support groups like this. 

Our 5th Grade Fusion Members

"I like seeing others who are also of a different race than the majority of the St. Andrew's community." 

Anita V.

"My favorite part of being in the Fusion group is that I'm able to introduce myself and learn other cultures." 


"My favorite part of Fusion is that we get to meet people who have very different cultures." 

Iker L.

"My favorite part of Fusion is learning about where everyone is from and what their stories are." 

Miles E.

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