IMP∆CT journalists fill us in on what happened in Texas and beyond in the 2022 Midterm Election.

Abbott elected for a third term

By Cannon W. and Violet P.

On Election Day 2022, Greg Abbott beat former Texas Congressman Beto O'Rourke in the gubernatorial election. Gubernatorial means the office of the governor.   

Abbott won by an estimated 1,113,233 votes, according to the Texas Standard. This was Abbott's most competitive race of his entire career. He has been governor since January 20, 2015. 

Abbott ran on issues such as securing the Texas-Mexico border, blaming Democratic President Joe Biden for inflation, and promising to lower taxes, according to his campaign website. 

The Battle for House and Senate Continues

By Clara H.

Republicans were predicted to win big in the 2022 Midterm Election. This was because they thought people would be mad about the economy. Instead, even though Republicans did better than Democrats, more people voted for Democrats than expected.  

Republicans didn't get the sweep that they wanted.  The party majority in both the US House and Senate is still up for grabs. They are still counting votes for competitive races in Arizona and Nevada. Also there is a run-off in Georgia so that Senate race won't be decided for awhile.  This means that they don't know who is going to control Congress yet.  

The Republicans thought that they were going to beat the Democrats because of President Biden's low approval rating.  On the other hand, the Democrats were hoping that voters would turn out for them because of the recent Supreme Court decision limiting abortion.

History-making Election Winners

By Avery S.

History was made in the 2022 Midterm Election. There have been many firsts. James Roesener, who is from New Hampshire, made history by being the first transgender man to win an election to a state legislature.  

Another person that made history was Wes Moore. He is Maryland’s first black governor. He is only the third black governor in all of U.S. history. 

Becca Balint won the race for Vermont’s one seat in the House. She will be the first woman to represent the state in Congress. She will be the first openly LGBTQ person to have this important job.

Maura Healey is the first female and first lesbian governor of Massachusetts. "To every little girl and every LGBTQ person out there, you can be anything you want to be," Healey said.