End Gender Inequality

Gender equality is when people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities. Studies have shown that societies that value women and men as equal are safer and healthier.

By Katy F. and Cecilia T.

There is proof of gender inequality as far back as 8000 years ago, according to Cosmo Magazine. Unfortunately, the problem still exists today. But we can stop gender inequality. Gender inequality means not equal. Some examples of gender inequality are, unequal pay, sexual harassment, and men getting promoted more than women. 

Three of the toughest places to be a girl, according to CNN, are Liberia, Bangladesh, and Cameroon. In Liberia, the problem is war, and there is a 67% chance that girls in Liberia won’t get the opportunity to go to school.  In Bangladesh, girls can’t go to school because they are married at a young age, and they could be a mother at age 15. In Cameroon, girls can't go to school because of having a child. 

One wide-spread issue concerning gender inequality is women don't all get the same chances as men. According to a 2020 CNBC report, for every 83 cents a woman makes, a male makes a dollar. Why do women make less money when they work just as hard as the men? Also, why do they get paid less for doing the same job? The problem is even worse for Women of Color. According to the American Association of University Women, Latinas make 55 cents compared to every dollar white men make. Let's take a look at some solutions to fix this unfair problem.

The first solution is if you are a female and you know you're doing the exact same job as a male but aren’t getting paid the same, stand up to your boss. You should tell them that you are working just as hard, and you need to be paid just as much.  Another thing you can do is switch jobs to find an employer who will pay you what you are worth. The final thing you can do is remember the gender pay gap is not your fault.

On a global scale, we need people fighting to end to child marriage, letting girls and women go to school, and letting them have control over their bodies. A way we can take action is by doing marches, speeches, and telling people about it. If you do this, it will help more than you think.

"No country can every truly flourish if it stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contribution of half its citizens.” 

— Michelle Obama

Infographic by Delara B.

Some ways you can make an IMP∆CT:

Now that you know a bit about gender inequality, here are a few small steps that you can take to help solve this world problem: