Changemaker Kids

Anyone can be a changemaker, which is someone who is taking creative action to solve a social problem. Click on the links below to find out more about these kids making an impact on our world. 

Click to see a short film about Greta Thunberg

Filmmakers: Sophie B., Lulu C., and Greta J.

Click to see a short film about Jahkil Jackson

Filmmakers: Delara B. and Townes K.L.

Click to see a short film about Mikaila Ulmer

Filmmaker: Emily Y. 

Click to see a short film about Sophie Cruz

Filmmaker: Ozzie B.

Click to see a short film about Malala Yousafzai

Filmmaker: Ronan C.

Click to see a short film about Robby Novak

Filmmakers: Hadley D. and Mei Mei B.