Should we use animals for testing products?

Every year 110 million animals are used for medical experimentation and to ensure product safety for humans. Isla C. explores whether this is an ethical practice.

By Isla C.

Did you know that many animals are used for medical experimentation? Imagine If you were an animal and a scientist was experimenting on you doing terrible things and you could not do anything to stop it. Scientists use both vertebrate and invertebrate animals from around the world for testing. Most animals used for testing are bred for the purpose but others can be caught from the wild. The animals cannot do anything to help but we can . The problem is that while these experiments are important to find new medical cures for people, many animals are suffering from these experiments. It is important to find a solution that allows scientists to experiment without using animals.

The problem affects many people and many animals. There are many people that believe that animal testing is not right. According to the Humane Society, every year more than 110 million animals, including frogs, mice, rabbits, dogs, birds, and fish are used in experimentation.   People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)  is a very big  animal rights organization that is against animal experimentation. One solution is that technology can also be an alternative to animal testing. According to PETA, methods that use human cells, 3D printing, robotics, and computer models can be used for experiments instead of using animals.  PETA works to stop and expose animal testing. 

In conclusion, animal experimentation is a difficult issue to solve. A lot of people think that it is wrong, and some people think that it is right because it can cure a lot of human illnesses . If you are against animal testing, you can make an impact by buying products that are marked as cruelty-free. 

Graphic Art by Emily Y.

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