

Two-Voice Poem

The soft wind The tornado gust

Blew in my hair Threw me down

It cooled me off It was howling around

With the gentle breeze The strong breeze


There was a man

He had a pan 

He hit the fly then died so he ran


The warm sun shinning 

It shimmers on the water

It is very bright



Haikus are so dumb,

Why is this homework for class?

I will take the F

Two Voice Poem

Winter is a glow                               Winter is so bad

With all the snow It makes me so mad

Beautiful all a glow All the snow is just

The streets do with snow To slow to go away

Diamond Poem


Crisp, cold, cool, big rocks

Great sight to see, tall and

Snowy, majestic



I love the cold                               I love the heat

It tickles my nose                         It bites my toes

It never goes away                       It stays around all day

It’s my favorite season                 It’s my favorite season


I wouldn’t

I couldn't

I shouldn't

Try that

I won’t 

I don’t 

Try that

It would be bad

It would be sad

To try that 

Believe in the Lord

Although he doesn’t drive

a Ford

To try that

To believe in the Devil

I’d be a rebel

To try that  


Icy clouds up above

Like a diamond glistening

Wind cools me down quick


Limerick Poem

There once was a young man with a sword,

He used it to cut a long cord,

Then all the lights went out,

Then everyone's eyes were so sore

Haiku Poem

Nature is so calm,

With its tall and big trees,

The wind is so smooth

Two Voice Poem

Summer is the best season, Summer is very bad,

With its hot and clear weather, With its hot and cloudy weather,

Burning my skin, Making my skin boil,

Summer is my favorite Summer is the worst


The Ocean

The ocean is

Very pretty

Blue waves

Soft sand

Under your feet



Yellow, red, and orange

Falling from the bright blue sky

Peacefully they land


My work

I got no brain in my noggin

I am so done with my login

I do my homework

He had a big smirk

Because the windows keep foggin'


Free Verse

Blowing through the air,

this sight is really quite rare.

Through the woods they ran,

as fast as they possibly can.

Exploring they did, with no care.


Rain trickled down upon my feet.

As the sky cried I let out a sigh.

I stayed outside, while my friends inside

Not looking towards the downside.


Out came the bright sun.

I ran out onto the lawn.

I love this a ton.


The Lord is With Me - Free Verse 

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

The Lord is with me.

As I’m alone in the night,

The Lord is with me.

When I am sad and lonely,

The Lord is with me.

As I fear the evil ones,

The Lord is with me.

As I tremble and fall, yet

The Lord is with me. 

Waterfalls - Haiku 

Flowy and silent

Waterfalls are pretty 

Majestic and big

The Small Girl - Limerick 

There was a small girl who was eight

She climbed up a big piece of cake

She ate as she went 

She tried to repent

But the cake was too good of a bait


Free Verse

The Lord 

the Lord himself

while my sins are stacked up

He swipes them off of my heart 

he loves

loves the worst in me

he makes me rich

when I am poor 

I’m the wander 

nobody opens the door


But your son

your only son

who you sacrificed on the cross

just so I wouldn’t be lost

that grave could never hold him

it tried 

but it was to weak

he took us out from the jail

the jail of the devil


Once there was a very bad teacher

a not nice limerick preacher

he made the class smell 

also broke the school bell




The rain hits the grate

It annoyed you with all hate

But you had to wait.


You see that man how unlucky

Well but you are very lucky

“Here comes May!”

Ready to come play

But she is very very yucky

Free Verse

I can feel the hate

But lets make things straight

You need to go to bed

Before you become very red

I know you are mad

But this is making me sad

So listen and get up and to the room 

Before I smack you with a broom



The ultimate creator

Does more than a favor

He made you and me

He makes blind eye see 

The miraculous of God

He's a promise keeper

Not a sleeper

It took 7 days

Never complains 

The perfect master 

Not a slacker

The only, The true

The amazing GOD 


The nice fluffy things

Never not happy

Always excited to see you

more than just a dog


A sudden change from fall

Was cool and warm but now cold

Why such a weird change



Warm red orange sun

Its amazing warmth so warm

Beautiful rising


I need a front door for my hall

The replacement i bought was to small

So i hacked and chopped it

And carefully cut it

And now the thing is to small

Two voice poem

The winter coldness The nasty winter 

Feels so good It's so cold 

A beautiful coat of snow An ugly whip of snow




 Warm and cool at once 

Stars in the sky glistening

Summer is coming 


Free verse-

He loved me

and died for me

He saved me with love

but he tested me to show his love

I worship him

with every breath and limb

the art of his creation was to keep it

and to clean it

two-voice poem-

     Spring                                          laughter with friends

the strars glistening in the sky         campfires showing the glow inn everyone’s faces

The firefly’s glistening in the moonlight     hear the cool wind   

warm in morning with life                    with the small breeze

cool at night with life                          playing sports among your friends

8th Grade

These are poetic forms that the 8th Graders studied through teacher presentation, individual study of poetic forms, and learning from classmates' presentations.



Emotion poem


Happy is like the yellow color of a baby chick

Happiness happens when you are with good friends 

It sounds like laughter 

And smells like spring 


Sonnet Poem

Spring,so lovely and bright with flowers light

The spring is so sunny and warm 

The pollen in the air blinding my sight 

The bright flowers in pleasant swarms

Ducks yellow and playful by the rivers 

The animals so happy and joyful 

The sunlight under the trees are only in slivers 

The bunnies jumping so very skillful 

The sun coming down like streams of gold

The river running by splashing on rocks 

The long grass so green luscious and very bold 

Animals all over they are as soft as socks

Nature all around trees growing up

Birds tweeting very loud like a baby pup   


Biblical style Poem

Sadness is like raining but not the pretty kind the sad one 

The droplets falling down slowly 

People walking with their dark umbrellas 

So sad and depressing 

Puddles forming and splashing as they grow

Even the trees are sad and gloomy 

The cars that go past so slowly and sad 

Not one child out playing 

The sky gray and dead 

The sun not to be found anywhere 

The grass being flooded 

No birds anywhere so no happy songs 

The droplets slide down the windows 

Kids sadly sitting in their classrooms 

The children drifting into thought

The rain falling down on the sad world

List poem

We when to the restaurant to eat and they gave us a menu 

on the menu we could order: 

French fries 


Cheese burgers





Chicken wings 

Chicken fingers 

Chicken patties


Ice cream  


Biblical Poem

My prayer

Your ways O Lord are right 

I wish to serve you all my life.

The wicked are not serving you

They are like a man walking on ice who slips.

Your ways give me grip on slippery ground.

When evil men oppress me I turn to you O Lord.

You protect me when fire comes around me

Your ways O Lord are covering me like a roof over my head.

When I disobey you Lord I long to be forgiven by you O Lord my God.

My wicked ways must be blown away from your presence.

The wicked Lordare not for you, but against you at war with you; my great God.

Your ways give me hope in you, you are amazing.

Decrease the ways of those who do not trust in your name. 

Thank you O Lord for hearing my prayer



Coming to the Father

Walking through this jail guards around me

leading me to my grave walking still walking the door

that takes me away to my Lord my savior Jesus Christ.

I don’t know how I got here to deserve this saving grace.

The door is in view. My fate in your hand Lord.

Forgive me for I am not going to hell 

since I am at the door I see the grave

this life won’t give me satisfaction

Death is what I need.

You forgave me. I am coming to you now.

Wait for me God I am coming to you now.

Your Son gave me this chance. I open the door.

I see you God now my life is full.

Praise be to the Father forever more.

Emotion Poem


It smells like rotten milk on a hot day.

It taste like Monkey Brain

It sounds like Outdoor Warning system

It feels like lava boiling over

It looks like Anger from Inside Out when he is angry

Anger makes me angry.

Blackout Poem

Anyone who saw what Royce Lewis did last postseason might be surprised to know that he feels he could have done more. Anyone who’s shared a clubhouse with him for five minutes wouldn’t expect any less.

“Do more” is what Lewis has built his brand around. The first overall selection of the 2017 Draft made his MLB debut at age 22 and was a household name during the ’23 postseason just one year later. Between those goalposts, the way he pushed to resume more activity each day toward the end of his second right ACL rehab made it very obvious that Lewis does not like to remain idle.

“I’d rather strike out four times in a game,” he quipped toward the end of that rehab, “than sit here and watch everyone hit.”

Lewis finished 0-for-2 in Saturday’s Grapefruit League opener against the Pirates during Minnesota’s 5-3 win at Lee Health Sports Complex. He didn’t have any defensive opportunities at third base in his four innings, but none of that mattered as much as being on the field again healthy, with no restrictions and staring down a full season.

“He ultimately handled [the rehab process] very well,” manager Rocco Baldelli said. “It leads some guys into real challenging spots where they have to work their way out of these things before they can … actually take the field. And when they get back, they’re still dealing with the injuries and the mental side of it. He was able to shake that off so quickly.

“I think that was probably one of the most impressive parts of his season last year.”

It’s remarkable to think that in six years, Lewis transitioned from a fresh-faced prospect soaking up his first big league camp to thoughtful 24-year-old starter hungry to show what he can do with 162 games. The evolution is that much more impressive considering he lost one year to the COVID-19 pandemic and most of two others to a pair of right ACL surgeries.

While Lewis has dazzled in a small dose, the reality is that if not for a spate of bad luck, Twins nation could have seen a lot more of him a lot sooner. And so even though he’s sure to take time to recognize what he’s overcome and all he’s accomplished, Lewis knows that this is no time to coast.

“It's a hard game, and you have to be so focused and stay refined,” he said.If you don't feel like you have anything to prove or you get too cocky, this game will humble you and take you right out. I want to be in this game as long as I can. And with that being said, I’m going to work as hard as I possibly can.”



Billy Bobby Joe,

A man who liked to sew,

Hated kids a lot

He liked to hit people  with his pot 


The ocean is a beautiful place to be

The ocean shimmers like a diamond stone.

The ocean of many colors swirl about.

The waves sing like a beautiful blue bird.

The deep water holds many secrets.

The secrets it holds will never be found.

The water reflects like a shattered mirror.

The hidden life brings wandering thoughts.

The reflection of the sun blinds many,

So don't forget to look past the surface. 


I really really don't want to be in class

The teacher stands in front yapping 

My head is spinning with words

I don't know what to write 

I just right words down

Hoping to pass

Tears fall



Alphabet poem 

A very sad day

B eing in class

C rying doing work

D epressed while tears fall

E ntering class everyday clueless 

F ailing every class

G etting nothing out of school 

H ating every moment 

I just want to go home.

J ust let me leave 

K illing me so slowly 

L et me leave please 

M y brain hurts 

N othing on my mind 

O r nothing in my brian 

P eoms make me cry 

Q uitting in the middle of it 

R eading them mindlessly 

S o annoying 

T o have to write them 

U sless and confusing 

V ery very dumb 

W hat is the point of them 

X tra mind killing 

Y ou hate poems i know it 

Z is a dumb letter



Outside I 

See the snow

Falling fast

It gathers 

On the ground

In a pile

It looks so


All the time


Going to school is like going to jail.

Sometimes it is fun but sometimes it’s not.

Everyday you get a lot of homework.

It is like taking your school to your house.

You most likely never get time for fun.

I wish I could go home and just relax.

English and science and history all

They all have their days with no fun at all.

I want to go home with no studying.

But unfortunately that’s not the case.

List Poem

I went to the grocery store

And got a few things.

I got






French fries





And pickles.

Now my house is full of food.


She got into the car

To drive away so far.

She wanted to get away

And stay away if she may.


The Chiefs are trash at the start of the year

The NFL is certainly scripted

Travis Kelce starts dating Talor Swift

The NFL is certainly scripted

The Chiefs make the playoffs for no reason

The NFL is certainly scripted

The Chiefs win the Super Bowl very “luckily”

The NFL is certainly scripted


Poems are so boring I just want

To give up and forget about

Poetry for the rest of

My whole life and burn them

Down to the ground in

A big barrel

Full of some




Hate is the color of gray

Hate happens when someone has a burning desire against something/someone

Hate sounds quiet 

And has the stench of fire

A is for archery

B is for baseball and basketball

C is for cricket

D is for disc golf

E is for elephant polo

F is for football

G is for golf

H is for hockey

I is for indoor soccer

J is for javelin throw

K is for karate

L is for lacrosse 

M is for mini golf

N is for netball

O is for obstacle course racing

P is for pickleball

Q is for quadrathlon

R is for racquetball 

S is for soccer 

T is for tennis

U is for ultimate frisbee

V is for volleyball

W is for wakeboarding

X is for x-country 

Y is for yak racing

Z is for ziplining




The temperature outside is cold.

It sometimes can be enjoyable,

But it really is not it’s awful,

It is not fun to have, 

You have to scoop, 

It is so cold, 

Just is there, 

It bores, 




Is really fun

It enjoys

I love it

It brings 


I want to 

Play it for-

Ever, bye 

List poem

I went to the mall and got,

A shirt, 

A purse,

A pair of shoes,

Some food, 

A package of earrings, 

A jersey for my game, 

And a wallet to put in my new purse,

Then after that I went home. 


Alphabet Poem

A is for among us

B is banana phone

C is for the champions league

D is for dreadful school

E is for Elias and Easton

F is for the letter f

G is for Grandma

H is a letter

I is for intelligence

J is for Jesus

K is for killing

L is for Me

M is for minecraft

N is for naughty

O is O

P is for nasty pickles

Q is for quotes

R is for racism

S is for losers

T is for time

U is for u

V is for vitals

W is for Master Wu

X is for King Xerxes

Y is for your mom

Z is for Mount Zion


Nature is such a beautiful place

But school is like Bowsers scary castle

Going to school is just disastrous

Dead brains everywhere school is a hassle

Outside at recess is just like a cell

Fences everywhere and guards patrolling

They give us breaks but then we hear the bell

The guards escort us to torturing

On we go through those black medieval doors 

We enter class with a feeling that's sad

At the end of the class we all have spores

Making us all turn from sad to mad

We continue to go throughout the year

We are getting prepared for more tears

Hate (Emotion Poem)

Hate smells like a volcano that is full of smoke

It tastes of spoiled milk

And sounds like a siren going off

It feels like a rough rock that you want to throw

It looks like lava coming after you

Biblical Style of "Rhyme"

Poetry is such a disgrace,

It eats up your tiny brain.

Crumpling you love

For this class.

You stare into a blank paper

Like a blank book.

Trying to think makes your brain empty

An empty head ready to be dead.

Taking the eraser and

Making the words disappear.

Soccer is so much better.

I just do and don’t have to think.

All sports in fact

Are easier to understand than poetry.

Take me out of this class,

Or I might scream in pain!



I love school

It is great

Every day

The homework

We receive

Every day

Just kidding

It's the worst

Every day



All the times that

You have handed out work

After the bell has already rung



The only good thing

About school is that there is

Actually no

Good things have never come 

Only pain,suffering, death

Alphabet Poem

"Video Game Alphabet"

A is for Assassin's Creed

B is for Bomberman

C is for Crash bandicoot

D is for Donkey Country

E is for Earthbound

F is for Fortnite

G is for Guitar Hero

H is for Halo

I is for Ice Climbers

J is for Jedi fallen order

K is for Kirby

L is for Lego star wars the complete saga

M is for Minecraft

N is for NBA2K

O is for Overwatch

P is for Pac-Man

Q is for Q*Bert

R is for Rocket League

S is for Sonic the Hedgehog

T is for Tetris

U is for Undertale

V is for no one names their game with this

W is for Wii sports Resort

X is for Xenoblade Chronicles

Z is for Z legends



Happiness is a realm of joy 

It is a good time to enjoy 

You just want to smile 

It is like a mile

All while 

Come join 


The flowers are blossoming today

The sky is a baby blue 

The clouds are white and fluffy

The grass is bright green

The dewy grass





It is like a pale blue spring morning 

It happens when you are happy

It sounds like light rain 

It smells like the dewy morning air


List Poem 

I went dumpster driving and I found 

Apple cores 







Hazardous materials 

















Yogrurt I think


Now I have a full bag of trash