6th Grade Research 

Click on a student name to read their full paper! 

Kovey - One of the best pickups in 2011 is the Ford Raptor. If you are wondering what this truck is and what kind of engine is in it, read my paper you will know more about the 2011 Ford raptor. You will know more than you do now. That's for sure. But, anyway, READ IT NOW!!!

Desirae -Have you ever heard of the Atlantis? In my paper, I will  tell you about this shuttle, that made 2011 changed forever.

Braxton - Have you ever wondered what the quarterbacks were like in past years? Well if you do in my paper you can learn about three of the quarterbacks in 2011. These three quarterbacks were some of the best when they played.

Jaidalyn - Ever wonder what it was like in dairy farming in 2012. In Jaidalyn’s paper you can read how they milk the cows in 2012, what were the barns like, and how many cows did a dairy farmer have on their dairy. If you want to know all about this stuff read my paper.

Sadie - Have you ever thought about what is going on behind the movie with animals, characters and money. I focused on those main three through out my paper the research i found was mainly about the money because that's mainly all that people care about so if you want to read about it read my paper.

Caitlin - The 2012 election had 5 parties and 25 candidates. I will focus on the 2 main candidates, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. Who will become the 44th president of the United States? What did they do to try and win? Read more to find out.

Bailey - Have you ever wondered how much money movies made in 2012? If you want to find out what famous actors, how many tickets were sold, and the reason why they sold this much money, then come check out my paper, called "Billion Dollar Movies."

Thor- Have you ever wondered WHY video games are important? If not, read my essay on WHY video games are important. And if you like it, show it to your parents. It’s proof WHY you can play. If you haven't read it, WHY???

Dirk - Have you ever wondered why and how Osama Bin Laden was killed? It is very interesting and if you want to learn, read my paper called After Ten Years, It Was Finished. 

Bryah - Have you ever wondered what's behind a movie or wondered about the actors behind a movie?  If you want to know, my paper is just for you. My paper is full of different facts about the actors, ratings, and the studio names. If you like all of this then my paper is just for you!

Paxton - Have you ever wondered what soccer was like for Cristiano Ronaldo in 2012? To find out how many trophies,goals,wins,team,and his life then come check out my page.

Annabelle - If you want to learn about the Syrian civil war then read my paper. The war happened for an odd reason and you might be curious. You will learn about how it started and why it started and who started it. The war was scary and something the Syrians will never forget. 

Kaden - Sports cars and their speed and looks are very interesting. How fast they can go and the body of the car is too. If you want to learn about some of the fastest sports cars made in 2011 read my paper.

Sydney - Have you ever heard of the 2012 Olympics? If you are interested in the 2012 Olympics. This is the place to find more about the 2012 Olympics. Also, where the Olympics took place and how many people came that year.