
Caitlin Rydberg

Mr. De Groot

English 6

February 28, 2024

Parties, Candidates, and Finally… President

Do Americans work for good or for themselves? The one presidential debate with different origins; Barack Obama the first black president running against Mitt Romney who was far behind, both running to be the 44th President. Meanwhile, social media was on the rise which made it easier to campaign. This was a major help to both Obama and Romney, although social media was on the rise many people went to the debates in person. The democracy of the United States came together for a contest of a lifetime in 2012.

There were many parties in the 2012 election. For example, the two main parties were Democratic and Republican. There were also other parties which included Green and Libertarian, these are known as the third party, which means they are the same party. Finally there are the 4th and 5th parties Peace and Freedom, and American Independent. In conclusion there were 5 parties represented by 25 candidates.

Willard Mitt Romney, the republican candidate, was driven to stand up to his own party. When he was running for president he handed over hundreds of journals regarding his partner. These journals were against the competitor. The people liked this competitor so they got mad and his votes started to drop. In order to try and win Mitt tried to vote against his competitor. As you can see the man who was almost our president was very insistent on winning.

In addition to Mitt Romney, Barack Obama was another top candidate. His background was odd with his mother from Kansas and his father from Kenya. He had low income to run for president, because his first job was at Baskin Robin. Furthermore, if he was not nominated he would have been an architect. Barack mostly stayed on the education trail, saying that the kids need more education for them to become “true” adults. “Almost 1,000 teachers are leaving the education business,” stated Barack Obama. He sent two-billion dollars to schools for the education of America's children. While Mitt said no money for education. Thus, the 2012 presidential candidate Barack Obama was a true education encourager. 

In the end the final nominee was Barack Obama representing the Democratic party. The Democrats were very happy regarding the 2012 debate. In the last two to three debates Mitt and Barack  offered some incorrect factual claims regarding the election. They both tried to dig up dirt on the other. Despite twisting the truth, the 2012 election was very interesting. 


Sutherland, Paige, and Meghana Chakrabarti. “What Drove Mitt Romney to Stand Up to His Own Party,” WBUR On Point, WBUR. November 08, 2023.  Accessed on February 2, 2024.

Trainer, Mark. “5 Little Known Facts about President Obama,” Share America, Bureau of Global Public Affairs. May 23, 2016. Accessed on February 3, 2024.

Dimock, Michael. “How America Changed During Barack Obama's Presidency,” Pew Research Center, Pew Research Center. January 10, 2017. Accessed on February 3, 2024.

Klein, Alyson. “Obama Talks Waivers, Common Core On The Campaign Trail,” Education Week, Editorial Projects In Education, inc. August 23, 2012. Accesed on Febuary 23, 2024.

"Mitt Romney Barack Obama" Hollywood Reporter, Hollywood Reporter November 6, 2012 5:03 PM.

Accessed on March 25, 2024.

Photo from the Hollywood Reporter.