
Picture by: Jewel Samad

Dirk Hofman

Mr. De Groot

English 6

March 20, 2024

After Ten Years, It Was Finished

Bam! One of the Twin Towers was in flames. Minutes later the second Twin Tower was hit by a plane. It was a horrific day in United States history. A terrorist named Osama bin Laden was behind these attacks. The operation to kill Osama bin Laden was very important to the U.S. because of his terrorist attacks against them. 

 Osama bin Laden was wanted by the United States. For example, Osama bin Laden was the leader of a terrorist group called, “Al-Qaeda” which means “The Base.” In fact, he planned the bombing beneath the World Trade Center in 1993. After his plan to topple over both towers failed, he tried again in 2001 when Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four planes. Two of the planes were flown into both towers. In addition to those attacks, one of the other planes hit the Pentagon, while the other was flown into a field. As you can see, he planned terrible attacks against the United States.  

It took ten years to find Osama bin Laden. In around 2007, the U.S. intelligence officials discovered one of Osama bin Laden’s closest couriers, whom they speculated may have been involved in supporting or harboring the terrorist. By the end of 2010, analysts were able to track down his courier. He was located in a large compound in Abbottabad. The highly secured compound and other information made the United States suspect that it was his hideout. In conclusion, that is why it took ten years to find Osama bin Laden.   

Seal Team 6 killed Osama bin Laden. On May 1, 2011, Stealth Black Hawk helicopters that were carying 25 Navy Seals landed at the compound in Abbottabad. Then Seal Team 6 raided the compound and found Osama bin Laden on the third floor. Navy Seal, Robert O’Niell, shot Osama bin Laden above his left eye and killed him. The operation took a total of forty minutes. Overall, it was a very intense and dangerous mission.

  His terrible terrorist attacks have come to an end. This operation was a historical event for the United States of America. On the first of May, Seal team 6 had finally completed the mission after ten years. Osama bin Laden was dead. 


Marks, Julie. “How Seal Team 6 Took Out Osama Bin Laden,” History, History, 24 May, 2018.  https://www.history.com/news/osama-bin-laden-death-seal-team-six. Accessed on 1 March, 2024. 

“The Operation That Took Out Osama Bin Laden,” Military.com, Military.com, https://www.military.com/history/osama-bin-laden-operation-neptune-spear#:~:text=SEAL%20Robert%20O'Neill%20has,into%20bin%20Laden's%20fallen%20body. Accessed on 1 March, 2024. 

Friedman, Jordan. “Navy SEAL Rob O'Neill Recounts bin Laden's Death,” 9/11 Memorial and Museum, National September 11 Memorial & Museum 9/11 MEMORIAL, https://www.911memorial.org/connect/blog/navy-seal-rob-oneill-recounts-bin-ladens-death. Accessed on 1 March, 2024. 

“Osama bin Laden,” FBI, FBI, https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/osama-bin-laden Accessed on 1 March, 2024. 

“NavySeal:I Fired The Shot That Killed Osama Bin Laden,” CBS NEWS, CBS Interactive Inc., 6 6 November, 2014 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/navy-seal-i-fired-the-shot-that-killed-osama-bin-laden/ Accessed on 1 March, 2024.