

Mr.De Groot


March 14,2024

                                                  What was the Reformation

           The Reformation was when Martin Luthuer started to disagree with the Roman Catholic church. The Church had started to make things up so that they could get more money and power. The reason they could do this was because only the pope, monks, and priests could read the Bible since it was written in Hebrew at the time. 

       Luther started to read the Bible and realized that none of the things the Catholics had said were not true had started doing things that weren't even in the bible. Luther decided to have a meeting with the Catholic church “leaders” in 1517, and ask why they were paying for their sins and why there was a need for indulgences.One  of the main things he said was that salvation could only be achieved through God's mercy. He figured out it was for power and money. At the time not even the king or queen could make rules without talking to the pope. Therefore the pope was able to have power and money.This is what they wanted so they were mad,so when Martin Luther started the Reformation they were very upset.

        Soon after he had talked to the Roman Catholic church, he decided to nail the 95 Theses to the door of the church. The 95 Theses was a long paper of things he thought the Catholic church was not following from the Bible and just making things up for power and money.”The Catholic church”leaders,” did not like that Luther was doing this and wanted him dead. Luther would not back down from his beliefs. He wanted to prove to the church these things were wrong and get them going in the right direction again. He wanted them to believe in God’s word, the Bible, and have prayer be a main point for every believer. According to Concordia University, Martin Luther once said, “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.After nothing had changed with the Catholic church, he started to break off from the Catholic church in 1521.He never intended to leave to Catholic church and start a new one but the Catholic church would not change their beliefs on indulgences.The people in Germany gave the church a new name, Lutheran. That is now the Lutheran Church. (2009.)

          The church changed a lot during this period of time and began to spread around the world. Soon after the Reformation in Germany, John Calvin did the same thing in France and Switzerland and started the Reformed church.

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Reformation". Encyclopedia Britannica, 13 Feb. 2024, https://www.britannica.com/event/Reformation. Accessed 20 February 2024.


Wilkinson, Freddie. The Protestant Reformation, 19 Oct. 2023, www.calvin.edu/library/knightcite/index.php.

the Reformation, A&E Television Networks,


Wilkinson, Freddie. The Protestant Reformation. 2023


Pauls Lutheren church, St. . , 
