
Quinn Photo by Su San Lee

Mr. DeGroot

Literature 7th

March 5, 2024

What Was Feudal Japan Like?

  Feudal Japan was the fearcist country in East Asia.It was stronger, deadlier, and had more materials than all the other people around them. The Samurais were the warriors of that time. Feudal Japan used a good government and  fighting strategies 

The samurai was the protector and the warriors in Feudal Japan. The samurai came from the 10th century. The samurais fought with slings, the classic katana or sword, spear, and a bow with arrows. The villages where they protected were usually surrounded by moats.

Cartwright, Mark. Samurai. Mark Cartwright, 2019. 

The people in the villages played a big role in why Feudal Japan was so successful.The women of Feudal Japan were considered upper class. The women in a family for the harder labor around the house. The villages were also made up of craftsmens who were coopers, carpenters, and woodsmen and were the main jobs in the villages or towns. The higher ranked people like women and higher authority men were usually to the castle and had better land in the towns or villages. The villages consisted of farmers houses and rice fields. Cartwright, Mark. Food and Agriculture in Ancient Japan, edited by Mark Cartwright, 2009, www.worldhistory.org/article/1082/food--agriculture-in-ancient-japan/.

  The people were polytheistic (belief in more than one god) in Feudal Japan . Shinto was a traditional religious practice in these times. It’s where you practice your beliefs and life attitudes. Shinto has 3 types. They are Shrine Shinto, Sect Shinto, and Folk Shinto. Shrine Shinto is the main “current”(Hiria) of Shinto tradition. Sect Shinto is where each sect was organized into a religious body by either a founder or a systematizer (Hiria,“Shintō”). Folk Shinto is a Japanese folk belief kind of like the other types of Shinto.Hiria, Naofusa. Shinto. Naofusa Hiria, 2024.

Feudal Japan Samurais, agriculture/people, and beliefs. Feudal Japan was the best government Japan ever had. The people and the agriculture were elite in all Feudal Japan.

Works Cited

Cartwright, Mark, Mark Cartwright, 2019.


Cartwright, Mark  edited by Mark Cartwright, 2009


 Hiria, Naofusa. Naofusa Hiria, 2024.


Lee, Su S. "https://unsplash.com/photos/pagoda-surrounded-by-trees-E_eWwM29wfU". Su San Lee, 2018.