7th Grade Research

Click on a student name to read their full paper!

Tyler - Have you ever wondered how the game of golf has changed read my paper!

Augustine - Have you ever wondered how technology such as video games has evolved overtime? If so, read my paper to know more about the history of video games, and how it changed the world.

Kate - Do you know what your future after death is? As God says in the Bible, you don't have to do good works in order to be saved but only by the grace of God can you be saved. Learn more in my paper about what it means to belong to God. 

Kinley - Chernobyl had caused a huge problem with the explosion of Reactor 4 and the deaths of the people from the radiation illnesses. The radiation sickness had people get cancer and more, but also had caused the natural ecosystems to change dramatically.

Abbigail - Do you want to learn how much sleep you really need and why it’s so important? Well if you do, my essay is just the right thing to read.

Elizabeth - Do you want to learn about the Vietnam War? Come read my research paper to learn all about when the Vietnam war took place, why it took place, and more!

Hudson - Did you know that Operation Meetinghouse was one of the most successful bombing missions ever. If you like war and planes, read my research paper.

Carter - Bullet proof vests, something that we all know can stop a bullet, but how. Got to my page to find out.

Quinn - Did you know samurais come from Feudal Japan? Do you know all the beliefs? Read my paper to find out more!

Ceyla - The brain isn't just a spongy thing that sits inside of your head. It actually does something, believe it or not! Let's learn what it does! 

Jewel - Tornadoes are one of earth's most dangerous storms. They can turn lives upside down with their destruction. Are you prepared for a tornado? Read my paper to find out more. 

Camden - Want to learn why America has 34 trillion dollars in debt, read my paper.

Caleb - The best teams only are teams who work the hardest. Take the 1996 Bulls team for example. They won many games and championships, but everyone in the Nation was cheering for them. Teams love to have a home court, because their fans are cheering for them. What if a team won a Championship with very little fans to start with. Just because all of America hated them doesn’t mean they can’t win.

Hannah- Did you ever wonder what exactly happened to the people during the gold rush. The small little work on a windmill that led to a huge minefield in California with thousands of people to come to America with other cultures. Were they fortunate or not. Read my paper to find out.