
    photo by  Aftshin Ismeali from:

Annie Vandyke 


English 4

March 7, 2024           

                                                                                       The Cause of the Syrian Civil War

During 2011 there was a war caused by a drought. Many people died or lost their homes. It was a war that the Syrians will never forget. The war is called,”The Syrian Civil War.” The Syrian civil war caused there to be many refugee camps. The United Nations estimated that there were 5.3 million people in the refugee camps. The United Nations also estimated around 350,000 people died. At that time around 14 million people were displaced from their homes from the war. During the Syrian war, there were multiple little wars around the big war which caused more comotion. 

The Syrian Civil war lasted more than 12 years. The fighting started in 2011 and ended in 2022. Bash Al-Assad was the president at that time and still is. Bash Al-Assad controlled Syria and ruled around 70% of the Sryians territory. The reason why the Syrian civil war started is because in 2010 there was a big drought. In fact it was the biggest drought in modern history. The people of Syria also hated Bashar Al-Assad( their president). 

There was so much drama between Bashar and the syrians. The reason there was so much drama was because there was a huge drought in 2010 and bashar al-assad didn’t do much about the drought. Which caused a small protest with the Syrian citizens and their president. The other countries started to team up against Syria because of the drought. The protest started to grow more and more and that is what caused the war. Bashar al-Assad is now hated more than ever. The Syrian civil war was caused by a terrible drought. The drought lasted around 4 years. The Syrian war was a horrible war and we all  hope it never happens again.

Made by:

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Syrian Civil War". Encyclopedia Britannica, 23 Jan. 2024, Accessed 5 March 2024.

Center for preventive center, “Conflict in Syria,” Global Conflict Tracker, Center for Preventive Action, 24 January 2024,  accessed 6 Feb, 2024

Phillup, loft,”house of common library”  george sturge, september 1,2023 accessed september 1, 2023