

Find a willing person/friend/family member to model for you.

You must take photos of someone else.

Using the same model for the entire project, experiment with the following techniques by taking at least 2 clear, quality, and carefully composed photos of each of the below:

1. Capture a moment –Place your model in their native environment, doing what they love.

2. Use a prop –Use a prop to put your model at ease and add interest to your photos.

3. Pose or use an unusual viewpoint – Try different poses, positions, angles... both model and photographer.

4. Backlight your subject – Have your model face away from the sun (for example: use early morning light, sunset lighting, or window light behind your subject).

5. Incorporate shadows/extreme lighting – Find interesting patterns or set up your own lights to cast subtle or strong shadows on your model.

6. Get up close – Find details of your subject, use your macro setting and intentionally crop your composition.

7. Get serious – Avoid smiling or laughing and try having your subject get serious or pensive.

8. Use pattern – Use a patterned backdrop, accessories, clothing, blankets, scarves, etc. to bring excitement and contrast into your photos.

9. Frame your subject –Capture your model looking through something or use a frame (window, door frame, hands, etc.) to bring focus to your model.