Foundations Of Art

  1. Course Description

  2. Foundations of Art Honors Option Available Full year, 1 credit Prerequisite: None

  3. Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) history, criticism, and production are required components of any class which offers a fine arts credit. Analytic writing is required in all classes.

This course explores the basic elements of visual design through introductory exercises in drawing, painting, sculpture, and printmaking. Art is presented as a visual language mastered through the development of the student’s perceptual skills and creative problem-solving techniques. Artistic production, art history, and aesthetics (the philosophy of beauty... or artistic taste) will be essential components throughout. Reading, critiquing, presenting, and writing about art and artists are an essential course component. All lessons are defined by technical and formal parameters, however, choice of subject matter is almost always left entirely to the students. This course requires students to create a digital portfolio including images of their projects, written reflections, and process reflections. Foundations of Art has an honors option.

Grading for this class - The standards that FHS requires all Grade 9-10 art students to demonstrate proficiency in are ...

CREATING- Conceiving and developing new artistic ideas and work. PROJECTS= 50%

PRESENTING- Realizing artistic ideas and work through interpretation and presentation. DIGITAL PORTFOLIO REFLECTIONS= 20%

RESPONDING- Understanding and evaluating how the arts convey meaning. CRITIQUES/ARTIST STATEMENTS= 20%

CONNECTING- Relating artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context. THUMBNAIL SKETCHES/IDEA GENERATION/ARTIST STATEMENTS= 10%

*Teacher Policy- ALL students are encouraged to constantly revise their projects, especially after hearing constructive class criticism. After revisions, students can earn up to half of the points they did not initially receive....