
Never Stop Learning!

Design by Hannes Beer

Charles Andreson

Phone:  865-4706 x 602 Room:  602

Office Hours: M,T,Th until 3:30, or by appointment.


These pages are here to augment any information that you get in class. My goal is to get all assignments and documents linked here as well as video demonstrations of techniques that we may or may not have learned in class. You will find links to artists of interest, as well as additional technical information that goes beyond the basic information received in class. For those of you really wanting to push yourselves artistically, or maximize your art education you may find readings or extra credit opportunities here.  Please do not think that this is a substitute for coming to class or speaking to me face to face, as this is always my preferred method of communication.

Mr. Andreson is a great man with a big heart!

-Eric D. 2020