Painted Devoleper Photos

Once you have processed a few well-developed portrait photographs  I would like you to play around with painting and/or spraying the developer in certain and specific areas of your photos.  Take a look at some of the examples and decide what aspects of your images you would like to focus on facial features, shadows, texture, and/or pattern inherent in the photo.  Ask yourself what aspects of the portrait are must-haves and which can recede or be marginalized, somewhat.  Now that you have determined that take one of the prints that you made (you will need to use this as a reference) and try to imagine how can be enhanced.

As with exposing your paper, you will need to do some things very much the same way.  The only real difference will be the way that you apply the developer. Consider painting text, playing with drips, etc...

It is supremely important that this work be done in the sink (left side in the darkroom), Carefully and methodically so that there is no mess and so that the chemicals are handled safely. It goes without saying you are responsible for cleaning up after yourself.

The Process

1. Determine proper exposure for print with test strips. Create neutral print to fine-tune and alter exposure… dodge, burn, etc.

2. Expose Paper.

3. Hold print in a way that allows you to recall the spatial layout of exposure/print. You could also mark areas with post-its or even draw on the print prior to developing!

4. Dip a paintbrush in the developer solution and selectively apply the solution.

5. Wait for the developer to work its magic... apply more developer (if needed). Wait some more. Be patient. Be vigilant

6. Place print in stop bath and fixer per standard development procedures.


What is Due?  3 alternatively developed prints (they can be from the same negative if desired).