Photo Edits

For this assignment you are going to use the photos you took in school on the "compositions scavenger hunt" You will choose your three favorite photos and use the Photos App to change the image (radically or subtly?) creating at least three new/different versions of that image. The purpose of this activity is to give you time and space to practice using the edit features on the photos app. When you are done please list the edits and add an artist statement that explains the process and the outcomes of the assignment.

When you are done please create a subpage under "Photography" titled "Photo Edits' and upload your photos and your artist statement there.

See below for a template of how to set things up... as always, Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.


unedited image


edit 1

edit 2

edit 3

unedited image #2

This is where the compositional "rule" goes... see above for example.

Edited image #1 for Photo 2


Edited image #2 for Photo 2


Edited image #3 for Photo 2


unedited image #3

This is where the compositional "rule" goes... see above for example.

Edited image #1 for Photo 3


Edited image #2 for Photo 3


Edited image #3 for Photo 3


Artist Statement:

What was the process and the outcomes of this assignment?

Which specific photo and edited version do you think is the strongest? Why?