Activity 10

Watch the video below to see how easy it is to make a rap song using your skills in Soundtrap!

Soundtrap ILM Lesson 10- Make your own Rap or at least some beats

You may not know this by Mr. Pat is a very talented Rap artist……..JK!!!

However, using Soundtrap he was able to create a cool demo rap project in just a few minutes.  Watch the video below to see his mad skills as a Hip Hop producer!

Your assignment is to play around with beats, layering them to make a background to rap over.  If you choose not to record any rhymes at least experiment with the loops, beats, and instruments available to you on Soundtrap.

Be sure to use ¨Save as”and name each new project differently when saving.

Have some fun and be sure to share if you think your rap is better than Mr. Pats!

Step 1- Open Soundtrap and experiment with effects & loops.

Open your original Soundtrap file and create 3-4 more music tracks to add to your final show.

Step 2- Add some real music

Step 2- Upload your 'Final Take' to your Google Docs & Share it!

                Great Job!