Week 3

Meditation Monday

Happy Monday! I don't know about you, but I get a little antsy sometimes having to stay home. When I notice I start to lose control of my thoughts, I remind myself to STOP and BREATHE. Just breathe. Watch this video to learn a simple breathing exercise I like to use to slow myself down and return to a calm state.

Ted talk tuesday

How are you spending your time at home lately? Are you filling your days with extra screen time, sleep, reading, or learning a new skill? How much are you sleeping?

Did you know the amount of sleep you get on a daily basis can impact your brain functioning and have short-term and long-term effects on your body?

Watch this short video about how sleep impacts our bodies then answer the following questions: What is preventing you from getting enough sleep? How can you remove these barriers so that you are able to get the amount of sleep your body requires on a daily basis?

Click HERE to share your answer with Ms. Valle.

wellness wednesday

Do you have questions about the Coronavirus and wondering how you can keep yourself healthy? Watch this short four-minute video to get information about how it spreads and best practices you can use to stay well. Remember, YOU can help our community overcome this by staying home as much as possible, and covering your face when you go out, IF you must go out. Stay well!

Click below to watch the video.

Coronavirus Short Film

thoughtful thursday


"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." - Michael Jordan

Think of a time that you failed at something. What valuable lesson did you learn and how did it motivate you?

This is a great time to keep a writing journal of your thoughts everyday! Grab a notebook, use the 'Notes' app in your phone, share with a friend or family member...or share with me! Use the link below to answer this week's writing prompt (only Ms. Valle can see your answer).

Week 3 Response

fun friday

Today I decided we'd take a trip to The Great Wall of China! I've always wanted to visit, and I finally have the time... đŸ˜‰ Plus, it's FREE! You can click through the pictures to see panoramas of different sections of The Great Wall. Make sure to check out slide 17, Huanghuacheng Great Wall, it is my favorite view! Which was your favorite? Click HERE and let me know!

Click on the book image between the arrows to learn information about each of the sections. Enjoy!