Week 1

Meditation Monday

While we cannot control the world around us, we can control our response to the world. Use this video to quiet your mind, stop negative thoughts, and just RELAX for a few minutes.

Ted Talk Tuesday

The speaker in this short 13 minute video uses the term "turned up" to share how he focused on his positive traits and abilities to reach his dreams.

What is one characteristic about you that you can "turn up"? Are you funny? Caring? Smart? Helpful, athletic, artistic, creative?

Tell me how you can "turn up" this trait to become the best version of YOU!


Wellness Wednesday

Today we chose to spend some time listening to music and coloring! You don't need a coloring book, get creative! Draw your own picture, spend some time sketching and listening to your favorite songs that bring you joy! Ability does not matter here, what matters is that you take a break from routine and do something different to help you calm your mind. Stay well!

THoughtful Thursday


What was the best part of your week?

This is a great time to keep a writing journal of your thoughts everyday! Grab a notebook, use the 'Notes' app in your phone, share with a friend or family member...or share with me! Use the link below to answer this week's writing prompt (only Ms. Valle can see your answer).


Fun Friday

Let's take a field trip! No need to get dressed, click the link below to view exhibits at the San Diego Zoo on LIVE camera!
