EMB@RC 2024

EMB@RC stands for exploration, motivation and boundlessness @ Renaissance College and this year it will take place between Nov 4th-8th, 2024. EmB@RC Week is a crucial component of the learning experience for our students as it gives them an opportunity to spend some time learning outside of the classroom, to take a break from academic studies, develop holistically and participate in an activity which becomes part of their IB CAS portfolio. All students participate in EMB@RC Week and the activities provide our students with a platform to develop their experiential learning and appreciate life outside the walls of our school.

Sign-Up Instructions

Payment Instructions

2024 International Trip Options

2024 Local Trip Options

Decision Making Tips

Students should choose activities that are personally challenging and give them a chance to do something they might not otherwise do. Don't pick activities simply because your friends are choosing them. This is your chance to get to know different people and find people with a similar interest to you!

Before submitting your Google Form, be sure to discuss all options with your parents/guardians. You will not be permitted to change activities after you have submitted your choices unless there is a valid reason/emergency that takes place. 

While students are not guaranteed to receive their first option of activities, we will try our best to accommodate your needs and interests by working with the three options you've selected. If none of these options can be arranged, we will reach out to you with further information.