

External Provider - Indago

The Cambodia Service Trip is based out of Siem Reap. While Siem Reap itself is a tourist hotspot, we work in remote villages just outside the city, where the impact of tourism has not had a great effect on the economy and lives of the inhabitants. The project will be carefully chosen according to what best serves the community at the time. In the villages, we work closely with a fantastic NGO called Husk, and the central focus of much of the service will be based around the school that we built together out of plastic bottles and waste. This inspirational project is a fascinating way to combine the need for the disposal of plastic waste and providing building materials in the area, and has been a resounding success. We will have the opportunity to help teach English lessons in the school and continue building projects in the local area

The opportunity to improve the lives of others and enhance education experiences in impoverished areas is an incredible privilege and is guaranteed to be a life-changing experience. The students will come back from the trip with new friends, incredible memories and as more mature, socially aware global citizens. The value of the trip will reach into many parts of the students' lives, and the cross-cultural relationships developed will be a source of happiness and inspiration for many years to come. The school will also benefit from developing links and relationships across the world and becoming part of a bigger global network. 

Itinerary- Subject to change pending flights and student sign ups

Video Highlights

Cambodia .mp4

Trip Details: 

Price includes:

Bright and early, we headed down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. Then, we were headed off to our first of many destinations for the day– a Buddhist monastery in Komphein Village, which is just outside of Siem Reap town. From there, Mr. Fazy (our wonderful tour guide) enlightened us about Cambodia’s culture and past history while we soaked in the sights and sounds of this mystical place, albeit while surrounded by a swarm of mosquitoes. Afterwards, we were surprised with an Ox-cart ride– though not a very practical mode of transport (as we had to take a bus right after to get to the house-building site), it was definitely an experience to behold, as we got to immerse ourselves in the rich Cambodian culture.

Next stop: the house-building site. We met the lovely family whose house we were going to bring to life. Under Fazy's expert guidance, we became construction pros, putting our blood, sweat and tears into the construction, ensuring that it was of the utmost quality so that it could be sustained in the long run. While the scorching sun made us shed more sweat than anything, it was all worth it, as not only did we get to meet and play with the local kids, but we also enjoyed a delicious and fresh assortment of mangoes, dragon fruit and bananas.

Following this endeavour, we made our way to a local school run by the HUSK organisation, where we first had a hasty lunch and then prepared to become English teachers for a day– dividing ourselves into 4 groups and aiding the teachers by leading a variety of educational activities. The reception from the students was, needless to say, enthusiastic. They were so excited to answer our questions that they practically blew the roof off. We celebrated with cake, and some even managed to squeeze in some volleyball action with the local kids.

As if that wasn't enough adventure for one day, we headed to the legendary Ta Prohm Temple. You know, the one where nature has decided to play architectural dress-up with trees growing out of the ancient ruins, which adds to the mystique that was already effectuated by the historical & cultural significance of the temple.

Exhausted but exhilarated, we finally returned to our hotel, where we got to wind down for the day and have a break before heading to the hotel restaurant for dinner, indulging in a variety of tasty foods. We discussed our lesson plan that we would be using to teach the kids tomorrow for a bit before finally heading up to our rooms and calling it a day.

Jonas Liu, Class of 2025

CAS Information:

HKD 15,975
