Production 2011





@Jshe says best production she has seen - well integrated, good actors

Great Make-up - basic and some extra sparkles too.

Good parent management. Using in doors and out doors. Toni! Big ups!

3 nights meant that wasn't so full and hot.

Script - topical theme, perfect. Strong message

"Other" kids had chance to shine.

Jaybz - score!

Good length of show

Effective communication - enjoy walkie talkies.

Felt like it didn't take over class time.

Excellent blend of cyber and real.

Band - choice

Less stressful with less kids

Having students run technical.

Amazing how we can wing-it

Excellent team.

Creative idea, script and everything

Costuming - impressive, simple, not so many bits but looked good.

Team 5 could run practices during class times.

Perfect for where we are with school, netbooks, online life etc.

Less Kids

Lower audience numbers

Advertise better

Market slightly better with news items, costumed kids visiting classes

Rehearsals clashed with LOTS of other events - sports etc

Same kids in everything

Not enough live performances - dances etc

Not enough actors involved

Year 7 and 8 wished for more dances.

Older students wanted to showcase more of what they are good at.

Glee vs Production burnout

Glee helped with selections of students/items for the production

Affected other events in hall.(we need a gym, astroturf .....)

Technical rehearsal needs to be a week earlier due to busy busy school.

Testing of all equipment at beginning of term.

2IC for Garth

Juggle duties for teachers taking groups.

Rotating of jobs on the nights - subs

Full range of kids in different groups - maybe not by year levels.

Easier to manage groups when in same teams.

2IC for Max